Dacre (again)
If you didn't know what the pronunciation was how would YOU pronounce it? I'm just curious after posting below.
Louise x
Louise x
I'd automatically say DAYker, but I'd like to say it DAH-kree.
- chazda
- chazda
DAH-kre or DA-kre
But then, I'm sometimes very literal-minded. :-p
I prefer the pronunciation DAY-ker, mind you, but Dacre is just not a spelling I'd associate with DAY-ker--I'd expect something like Daker. It's funny: I can handle odd name pronunciations like Caoimhe's KEE-va just fine, but for some reason I just can't wrap my brain around Dacre!
"You've been downgraded to a class three tropical storm." -- My mother to my father, re: Hurricane Dennis
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
But then, I'm sometimes very literal-minded. :-p
I prefer the pronunciation DAY-ker, mind you, but Dacre is just not a spelling I'd associate with DAY-ker--I'd expect something like Daker. It's funny: I can handle odd name pronunciations like Caoimhe's KEE-va just fine, but for some reason I just can't wrap my brain around Dacre!
"You've been downgraded to a class three tropical storm." -- My mother to my father, re: Hurricane Dennis
Proud adopter of 15 punctuation marks; see my profile for their names.
I must be the odd one out- I know how to pronounce it but every time I look at it I want to say "DAK-ree"
"For all you know, there's some deformed freak mucking about in the rafters waiting for a singing-prodigy ingenue to prance onstage in a puffy dress and too much curl serum."
"For all you know, there's some deformed freak mucking about in the rafters waiting for a singing-prodigy ingenue to prance onstage in a puffy dress and too much curl serum."
I do know the pronuniciation now, but before, I was saying it in my head as "Dacker" I think :-/
"There are few more distressing sights than that
Of an Englishman in a baseball cap
Yeah we'll die in the class we were born
That's a class of our own my love"
"There are few more distressing sights than that
Of an Englishman in a baseball cap
Yeah we'll die in the class we were born
That's a class of our own my love"
dahkr like the city (I'm French)
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
~~ Claire ~~
My ! are Alia, Eidel, Enola, Israel, Dudel, Yuri, Lina, Lorelei, Leilani, Owen, Julian, Glorinda, Mirinda
My ? are Hillel, Meshullam, Johnny, Ginny, Cordelia, Fiammetta, Yocheved
My ~ are Tehila, Tilda, Hailey, Gillian, Huldah
My / are Aglaia and July
This message was edited 7/20/2005, 2:26 AM
In Australian it would come out something like DAY-ker (rhyming with acre, AY-ker)
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.