How does everyone pronounce Elijah? I always thought it was Eli-zha (kind of a soft j sound, I'm not really sure how to type it) but I recently met a baby Elijah and everyone was pronouncing it with a hard J, like Eli-JAH.
Which is correct, or is it one of those names that has 2 possible pronounciations?
Which is correct, or is it one of those names that has 2 possible pronounciations?
I prn it Eli-zha too
I've heard it both ways but I perfer( and pronounce it) Ee-Ly-zha.
I don't know what's "correct", but I've only heard it with a hard "j" sound :-)
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
"My universe is laced around your wrist; I am the bracelet you sport."
The site says the softer pronounciation but I'd say that the hard j is the more common of the two...so likely they're both legitimate. Either way, I like it.
a hard 'j'
I pronounce it :Eli-zha
Either way, I really like this name. Traditional, but has a fresh appeal to it
I've heard it both ways, too, and the correct way is probably just however that person pronounces it.
Well, I say both. Elijah Wood says his with a hard J (or at least he does on the LotR site), but when others talk aout him they say it with a soft "zha" sound. I guess it depends on who's saying it. It's probably like most names and neither is really "correct".

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
As far as I know, ee-LIE-zha is the only correct pronunciation of Elijah (click the link). ee-LIE-jah sounds ignorant to me, but it could be some foreign prn. I guess....
“"I can resist everything except temptation."
-Oscar Wilde
“"I can resist everything except temptation."
-Oscar Wilde
This message was edited 6/21/2005, 10:17 AM