wdyt of Tiffany? Keeping in mind it used to be a popular name for baby girls born on the Epiphany (Jan. 6) and it has been going down in popularity over the last decade.
I know people might still think of it as the name of a ditzy cheerleader, but the same people think that about Ashley/Ashleigh (and I am not a ditzy cheerleader).
There is the jewelry store association, but that isn't such a bad thing.
I think Tiffany sounds very feminine and refreshing.
middle names?
I know people might still think of it as the name of a ditzy cheerleader, but the same people think that about Ashley/Ashleigh (and I am not a ditzy cheerleader).
There is the jewelry store association, but that isn't such a bad thing.
I think Tiffany sounds very feminine and refreshing.
middle names?
Tiffany doesn't give me the "ditzy girl" association as much as names like Brittany, Amber, Courtney, etc... And I think it's because of a good association. I used to have a good friend who had an older sister named Tiffany. And Tiffany was really sweet and VERY smart. She graduated second in her class in High School and now is in Law School.
"I dare you to make less sense."
I really think that Tiffany is 80's sounding. I used to love the name then however don't care for it much anymore. It's lost it's appeal.
I think Tiffany is so pretty and feminine sounding. I also don't know how it started getting a "trashy" reputation-it makes no sense. The two Tiffanys I know personally are from very wealthy, intelligent families. Brittany is another name I have always loved and I'm upset that it has been ruined for now by Britney Spears. These names start out "upscale" and then a few bad associations seems to tarnish them for good-not fair.
I would probabyl use it because of the Breakfast at Tiffanies association but only as a middle name as it is a bit blah
Tiffany Dinah
Tiffany Adela
Tiffany Harriet
Tiffany Madison
Tiffany Louise
Proud big sister to Sophie and Isabel

Favourite names are: Anouk, Freya, Manon, Lyra, Iris, Atticus, Henry and Starling
Tiffany Dinah
Tiffany Adela
Tiffany Harriet
Tiffany Madison
Tiffany Louise
Proud big sister to Sophie and Isabel

Favourite names are: Anouk, Freya, Manon, Lyra, Iris, Atticus, Henry and Starling
This is actually a name that I've liked for a long time and I agree that it gets a hard time! People just get name associations and let it ruin prefectly fine names. I think it's quite feminine also. I like Tiffany Rose, Tiffany Sarah, Tiffany Jade, Tiffany Kate and Tiffany Laura, just off the top of my head.
Tiffany was one of my first favourite names, when I was about 12 years old. I really love the sound of it, and it's a great pity that it's been so desperately overused. I don't think it's quite 'fresh' yet but hopefully in another 10-15 years it might be.
Have you read Terry Pratchett's "Wee Free Men"? It's about a girl named Tiffany who, among other things, isn't quite sure about the name Tiffany, because she wants to be a witch and she thinks that being a witch named Tiffany wouldn't work - "people would laugh". (In case you're not familiar with Pratchett's work, he writes fantasy comedy set in a world called "Discworld", which he uses to poke gentle fun at the weirdness and silliness of Earth society).
♦ Chrisell ♦
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
Have you read Terry Pratchett's "Wee Free Men"? It's about a girl named Tiffany who, among other things, isn't quite sure about the name Tiffany, because she wants to be a witch and she thinks that being a witch named Tiffany wouldn't work - "people would laugh". (In case you're not familiar with Pratchett's work, he writes fantasy comedy set in a world called "Discworld", which he uses to poke gentle fun at the weirdness and silliness of Earth society).
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.
I really like the name Tiffany, and I think it's very pretty and feminine. I really don't know how the name was given the "trashy" rap. I hate stereotyping names, anyway. I'm glad you can see past the stereotyping, and still like the name.
-Lissa Hannah-
My twelve !'s = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Fletcher, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, Glenda, and Juniper
My ten ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, and Gertrude
-Lissa Hannah-
My ten ?'s = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Bernard, Minna, Doris, Shirley, Cordelia, and Gertrude
I really like Theophane, actually. I think that it's got an interesting and not completely out-of-touch feel to it. I also like Theophania, but not to the same extent.
Tiffany would be a lovely name if it had never gotten lumped in with Crystal-Amber-Brittany-Stephanie-Heather sorts of names. I really like medieval names, so I'm rather sad it's so tied to big hair and poor eyeshadow.
There's nothing wrong with the name, but I wouldn't personally use it at this point. I'd much rather see a little Tiffany than another Madison, though.
Tiffany Zora, Tiffany Renee, and Tiffany Lila come to mind first when it comes to middle names. I would suggest avoiding Tiffany Audrey, Tiffany Holly, or Tiffany Lula Mae. ;) Also, Tiffany and Truman, Tiffany and Fred, and Tiffany and Paul would all be out for sibling names for me. Too Breakfast at Tiffany's for me.
Tiffany would be a lovely name if it had never gotten lumped in with Crystal-Amber-Brittany-Stephanie-Heather sorts of names. I really like medieval names, so I'm rather sad it's so tied to big hair and poor eyeshadow.
There's nothing wrong with the name, but I wouldn't personally use it at this point. I'd much rather see a little Tiffany than another Madison, though.
Tiffany Zora, Tiffany Renee, and Tiffany Lila come to mind first when it comes to middle names. I would suggest avoiding Tiffany Audrey, Tiffany Holly, or Tiffany Lula Mae. ;) Also, Tiffany and Truman, Tiffany and Fred, and Tiffany and Paul would all be out for sibling names for me. Too Breakfast at Tiffany's for me.