Definitely Susannah or Susanna !!! :)
"I dare you to make less sense."
Cassandra is an OK name, but Susannah is much nicer sounding. But, they should definitely not be used for siblings!
-Lissa Hannah-
!, !, !, !, !, !, !, !, !, ! = Kipling, Barry, Mortimer, Miles, Marmaduke, Maris, Blanche, Gladys, Arlette, and Glenda
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Minna, Doris, Shirley, and Cordelia
Cassandra is an OK name, but Susannah is much nicer sounding. But, they should definitely not be used for siblings!
-Lissa Hannah-
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? = Pasquale, Archibald, Humphrey, Nigel, Minna, Doris, Shirley, and Cordelia
Both are fantastic, but....(m)
I only like Cassandra pronunced the correct way--cah-SAHN-drah. None of this cah-SAND-rah stuff for me. I'd use it after Cassandra Mortmain, and I think it's fantastic.
I prefer Suzanna to Susannah. Much stronger looking to me, for whatever reason.
Both names are very good ones, though.
I only like Cassandra pronunced the correct way--cah-SAHN-drah. None of this cah-SAND-rah stuff for me. I'd use it after Cassandra Mortmain, and I think it's fantastic.
I prefer Suzanna to Susannah. Much stronger looking to me, for whatever reason.
Both names are very good ones, though.
I see Cassandra as more formal and exotic. Susannah is more earthy and comfortable, but I like them both. I also like Cassia (CASS-ee-a) (a kind of spice) and Cassava (ca-SAH-vah)(a type of plant) as similar sounding variants of Cassandra, and I like the nns Cass and Cassie.
I like Susannah a lot, as well as many related names: Susanna, Sanna, Sanne, Shoshana, Suzana, and Zuzana.
Which one I picked would depend on the ln, sibling names, and whichever quality I hoped for in a child: the more unusual and divaesque Cassandra, or the more comfortable and sweet Susannah.
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
I see Cassandra as more formal and exotic. Susannah is more earthy and comfortable, but I like them both. I also like Cassia (CASS-ee-a) (a kind of spice) and Cassava (ca-SAH-vah)(a type of plant) as similar sounding variants of Cassandra, and I like the nns Cass and Cassie.
I like Susannah a lot, as well as many related names: Susanna, Sanna, Sanne, Shoshana, Suzana, and Zuzana.
Which one I picked would depend on the ln, sibling names, and whichever quality I hoped for in a child: the more unusual and divaesque Cassandra, or the more comfortable and sweet Susannah.
~ Caitlín

?????????????? ~ Elspeth, Merry, Tomás, Kip, Ælfwine, Adán, Marit, Bran, Ester, Andrew, Isobel, Jeromiah Andrea, Annit Elisabetta, Josue Alejandro
This message was edited 4/12/2005, 7:57 PM
definatly Susannah but I prefer Susanna,