What do you think of this name? It's come up a couple times and the boards and I am beginning to like it. Originally I thought it was for a girl but I like it on a boy now. Since it is a pet name for Laurence that's great because my Grandma had an uncle by that name but his nickname was Laurie (which I don't care for).
I like it, but for "lark" names I prefer Laerke (pro. Lair-keh) for boy or girl.

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson

"WOOHOO! Hey I have to tell y'all something. I went to Sea World for the first time yesterday. It rocked! I got to kiss a whale! And it kissed me back!"-Kelly Clarkson
I think it's cute. I like it as a nn, actually, but didn't know what it was short for. I think it would be wonderful to honor your family by using Laurence and calling him Larkin. I like Laurie too (thanks to Little Women, lol), but it's gone over to the girls' side pretty permanently, I believe. lol
I think Larkin is nice, but it works better on a girl imo.
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."
I love this name.
I like it. At first for a boy, but it's kind of cute for a girl too.

I like it. It does sound fey to me -- I'm under the impression that good old Anne Rice, who can be counted on to have used every fey boy name there is for one of her vamp characters (male or female), has of course used Larkin for a vampire character. That might kind of wreck it.. or perhaps it doesn't matter. To me, in real life Larkin sounds like a name picked out by parents who consider themselves to be somewhat outside the mainstream or artistic (but who may or may not actually be) - a subculture sort of name; middle class, educated, liberal, young. I could be way off the mark, but that's how it seems to me. I still like it. :-)

I don't care for it. It isn't at all masculine, it is a tad surname-y, and the word lark too strongly within it. I don't see it as a nickname for Laurence -which I don't care for, but since it's a family name, then it's OK-, as I think it's more derived from the name, rather than a short/pet form of it (my opinion only), and while you may not like Laurie as a nickname, the child might; I think nicknames should not be planned, but should be left up to the child, and I also don't think the decision of a formal name (Laurence) should revolve around a nickname (Larkin).
Edit: Added a comment.
-Lissa Hannah-
As soon as tradition has come to be recognized as tradition, it is dead. - Allan Bloom
Edit: Added a comment.
-Lissa Hannah-
This message was edited 3/11/2005, 5:46 PM
Yes, I think they were, Pa Larkin seems to ring a bell
~ Louise x
"It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut."
~ Louise x
"It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios! A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut."
Yes they were.
I also think of Philip Larkin, the grumpiest and possibly most boring poet on the face of the earth. We studied him for A-level English, and almost all of his poems focus on the fact that there's someone or something he doesn't like very much. Also famous for writing the classic line "they f*ck you up, your mam and dad" (the only line his poetry every sixth-former is guaranteed to remember!)
I also think of Philip Larkin, the grumpiest and possibly most boring poet on the face of the earth. We studied him for A-level English, and almost all of his poems focus on the fact that there's someone or something he doesn't like very much. Also famous for writing the classic line "they f*ck you up, your mam and dad" (the only line his poetry every sixth-former is guaranteed to remember!)
Personally, I don't like it. It sounds a bit out-of-date but, it's unique. I like names that are unique. I also like it better as a girl's name.