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Wdyt of this name?Dh and I love Leah (Lee-ah) but some people pronounce it 'Lay-ah' like Laia. which I still find rather pretty. It's also the original Jewish pronounciation and Dh has Jewish in him, I thought that would be nice to honour. I still prefer 'Lee-ah' but I'm asking in case my DD wants to go by 'Lay-ah' when she is older. Thanks :)Edd: July 27, 2005(6 more days before we find out if we are having a boy or girl!)
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I love Laia / Laya / Layah and so on. I've always seen it as a Yiddish name, pron. lie-ah or lay-ah.
There's even a great role model who bore this name long, long ago... :)
~~ Claire ~~
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I'm Catalan...I'm Catalan, and the correct pronunciation is LIE-uh or LAH-yuh, I'm not sure how to explain it. But it isn't Lay-a, that's for sure. I'd use Leia for this pronunciation.
I love Laia, but a bit too popular -here- for my taste. Leia is also lovely, and Leah too. They're all awesome names!Good luck!
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At first sight, it looked to me like it rhymed with Maia/Maya, so I'm not surprised it's not pronounced like LAY-ah (which I'd spell Leia, btw). I like Leah, but not Laia or Leia very much (the "lie" and the "lay" are unattractive imo).
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I think Laia it's such a sweet name! I don't fine it unattractive, but that's probably because "lie" and "lay" aren't words in Catalan. It would be so easy if we could hear the names with their correct pronunciation without having to explain them over and over again, and never being sure if you understand and are understood! You just have a better idea of a name when you hear it! Oh, well, some day not so far away we'll be able to do so, right? Eva
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Laia would be lovely if it weren't a word in English. Thanks for letting me know about the pronounciation Eva :).Edd: July 27, 2005(6 more days before we find out if we are having a boy or girl!)
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You're welcome! :-DEva
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I like the name Alaia or Laia is great!
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I think both names are gorgeous, but I sort of prefer Laia. :)
Chelsea Nicole (134 days til my 21st birthday!)Proud big sister to David Thomas (18) and Luke Joseph (13)
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I don't care for it, as I don't like how it looks. But, I don't care for either spelling or pronunciation, as they're fluffy to me.
-Lissa Hannah-
As soon as tradition has come to be recognized as tradition, it is dead. - Allan Bloom
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I like Lee-ah and Lay-ah. I think of the two I prefer Leah (Lee-ah) because it is easier to say and spell so she would encounter less confusion later in life. My name is Leigh Ann (Lee Ann) and has been a pain all my life because I have to pronounce it and spell it for everyone. I guess that makes me extra sensitive to less common names.However, I think Laia has a very pretty sound to it.Good luck!
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Is Laia pronounced LAY-ah in Catalan? I wouldn't know - I'm afraid I'm completely ignorant of Catalan. If it is, then I love the name.However, I keep wanting to say LYE-ah for Laia, under the influence of Maia, Gaia, Kaia etc.I far prefer the LAY-ah pron. myself :-)
_____________________________________________________________________"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true."Elinor
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ditto in part.. mIt does tend to rhyme Maia, and since Maia's kind of popular at the moment I think that'd be a common error. And a bad one, because then it sounds like "liar."I think the spelling Leia is gorgeous, though, and not prone to that problem.- chazda
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I'm afraid it's LIE-a in Catalan. I would use Leia if I wanted the pronunciation LAY-a.
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I think it is lol. That's how I've always pronounced it :)Edd: July 27, 2005(6 more days before we find out if we are having a boy or girl!)
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