WDYT of these names I've just heard on a tv show about
Roman Catholics in
France (the discussion was about giving the kids very
Christian names or not):
Pascalie (pas-kal-ee, "a" more or less like "ah")
Pascaline (pas-kal-een)
Pénélope (peh-neh-lop, check
Penelope - "eh" more or less like "men")
Pasquale (pas-kwal-eh)
Pascalis (pas-kal-is)
Ganelon (gan-ul-own, gan-lown)
Imo the
Pascal- names are nice on a
Pasquale is nms, Pénélope is cute but nms, and Ganelon is totally impossible in
France (
http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/songofroland/terms/char_5.html), like
Judas or
Pontius. Here "he's a traitor" can be said "he's a
Judas" or "he's a Ganelon", so yeah...