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[Facts] I need a middle name for a boy please
I hope someone can help me. My best friend is having a boy so she asked me to help think up some names. Well I came up with some first names but I need middle names that sound right with them. The names are Xavier , Dominic , Caleb , and Raphael . Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you!
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Cool suggestions! The Anagram Oracle concurs...Xavier Raven -- Varian Vexer
Dominic Raven -- Demonic Ravin
Caleb Raven -- Verbal Acne
Raphael Raven -- Havana Lerper
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Hi Catherine,
I can give you some suggestions but first I need to know if you are looking for Latin-sounding names exclusively. The surname would also be helpful.
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Thank You CherylNo I'm not looking for Latin-sounding names exclusively. I didn't even realize that they sounded that way until I reread them. I guess it was subconsious because my best friend's family is from Puerto Rico . I asked her about it and she said it doesn't matter if it's Latin so long as it flows together. Her surname is Sanchez.
I came up with Dominic James Sanchez...but I'm not quite sure about the flow. I've repeated it so much I just can't tell anymore so I'd like someone's else's opinion. It's her first child so she's being very picky about everything. (and driving friends batty)
Thank You for offering to help.
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I guess I'm taking a great risk in responding to your post and I hope it doesn't make the other regulars go off me, so to speak. But, you haven't done anything to me so I don't see any harm. I think James sounds nice but was wondering if Giamo might sound a little more Latin (Italian). What do you think, Catherine (or Raven)
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Background info for you, Cheryl, regarding Raven...From time to time, we here (as well as folks on practically every message board on the 'net, I'm sure) get psychotic types who use multiple handles to "fool" other board members into believing they're someone else, while at the same time they look to pick fights in their Evil Twin persona."Catherine DeGiovanni" is actually Raven. We know this, and Raven apparently doesn't understand how we know this (probably because she's not very bright and isn't quite able to figure it out).Now, before you go and think that a number of people here are unduly "picking on" Raven, let me give you a little background.Raven asked to get her tailfeathers torched the minute she posted a rather crude and totally uncalled-for comment to another member of our board here -- one of our "regulars", in fact -- Pavlos.I was actually prepared to just ignore Raven's crassness up to that point -- despite the fact that she'd previously rudely told Pavlos, Michelle and Selwyn (and Selwyn is probably THE most inoffensive creature ever to grace this message board) to "chill out" when they got into a discussion of the name "Odessa". See, Raven took that personally, and obviously felt that she was being dissed because other people here had different ideas as to the origin and meaning of the name.It would kinda be like me getting all up in *your* face, coz you told me your name was really Welsh after I'd gone and said I thought it was something else. Remember that? Hard to believe that some people, like Raven, can be so buttheaded, eh? Believe it. We get 'em, from time to time.Like I said, I was prepared to cut the little idiot some slack, but when she started getting nasty, calling people names... Well, she's fair game now, as far as I'm concerned. ;)So if you want to join in the Raven barbecue, I'll save you a wing or a drumstick. If you want to be nice to her, that's your choice, too.Just want to let you know who -- or rather, what -- you're talking to, though. :)-- Nanaea
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I went back and read some of the banter between Raven, Nanaea, & Pavlos. Zowee! Hot stuff! What started it all? Its hard to believe just a disagreement about a name could cause so much venomous language.
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