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[Surname] The meaning of the surname Astrologo
My 11 year old son is doing an autobiography project for school and he needs to find out the meaning of our surname Astrologo. I would be extremely grateful if anyone could help me get this information.
Thank you!If possible maybe even a user friendly website for the rest of the class so that they can obtain their information also.
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No problen... it's a Spanish word... Have you heard about astronomers? have you heard about astrologuists? Those people who are said to predict the future from the stars (constellations, zodiac; etc.) Well, besides my "bad" English, I'm quite fluent at Spanish (it's my native tongue:p) That means "astrologo" from "aster" meaning "star" and "logo" meaning "knowledge of", "study of", etc. (like in "biology")... Never confuse it with "astronomo" (I do not remember what "nomo" means but I think its akin to "gnosis" which is "knowledge") which is the science of studying stars in the modern sense of what science is... Do not feel discouraged... probably back then astrologist would be, albeit their naive believe in a readable destiny or their wise people-tricking, among the most known and intelligent people of their time... Knowing much of astronomy and mythology and folklore as to outdo in anthropology and astrophysical sciences many of their contemporaries, even well educated kings... After it's from these superstitious old lore that modern sciences emerged... an alchemist althought less than a chemist will always be better than a pope when knowledge is the theme... (hell, my fast typing is detouring me from proper English use, from proper grammar...) but ¿do you get the point? I hope that helped...
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It is also an Italian local surname. It exists in ROMA (Rome) and in ABRUZZO. The maening is the same as in Spanish.
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Thanks so much for the help!!!
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