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[Facts] first name origin/meaning
Donzella - Female - Ethnicity Unkown
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I am looking for the origin of a girl's name, "Inet", which is possibly Scandinavian - could be Swedish. It may have been
anglisized into "Enid"
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Iwould like to get as much information about the meaning and orgin as possible
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what is the origin
and meanin of the name Britt.. comes from Brittnay
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La Compiuta DonzellaAs a feminine first name, "Donzella" means "maiden" in Italian. "La Compiuta Donzella" ("The Accomplished Maiden") was the pseudonym of a 13th century, woman poet living in Florence, Italy. She was a woman who had been given in marriage by her father to a man whom she didn't love, and this tragedy became the inspiration of her poignant poetry.Here is one of her poems:IN THE TIME WHEN THE WORLD LEAFS AND FLOWERS
by La Compiuta DonzellaIn the time when the world leafs and flowers,
Gentle lovers' walks are long
And joyous through the fields, to woods and bowers
Where little birds delight them with their song.
Every man does service courteously:
They fall in love, of their own free will,
And every maiden spends this time in joy.
But I have wept and I am weeping still
Since father goads me till I can't contain
My feelings of bewilderment and grief:
He wants me to accept, by force, a lord
Not of my liking or of my accord.
So every hour I cry and live in pain —
And take no joy in any flower or leaf.
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Hello:My name is Donzella and I want to say thanks for a little history on the name. The poem is beautiful.
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here's the italian version: A la stagion che il mondo foglia e fiora, accresce gioia a tutti i fini amanti: vanno insieme allora che gli augelletti fanno dolzi canti: la franca gente tutta s'innamora ed in servir ciascun traggesi innanti, ed ogni damigella in gioi' dimora; e a me n'abondan marrimenti e pianti; chè lo mio padre m'ha messa 'n errore, e tenemi sovente in forte doglia: donar mi vole,amia forza,signore. ed io di ciò non ho disìo nè voglia, e 'n gran tormento vivo a tutte l'ore:però non mi rallegra fior nè foglia.
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