[Opinions] Love it (m)
in reply to a message by iris
I never thought much about it until a year or so ago. I went hunting for new favorites and came across Sibyl. It gives me a British WWII era feeling, perhaps because of Dame Sibyl Thorndyke, the actress. It has a no-nonsense, non-frilly quality about it that I love. I came to like the name Sibylla too, because of the female lead in "My Brilliant Career." (I highly recommend the movie.) The only spelling that I like is Sibyl. People might be more comfortable with the Sybil spelling because of Sylvia. But the purist in me says Sibyl or nothing.
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Sibyl  ·  iris  ·  1/22/2007, 8:13 PM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Ireland  ·  1/23/2007, 2:30 PM
Love it (m)  ·  Bear  ·  1/23/2007, 9:41 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Britney  ·  1/23/2007, 6:59 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Array  ·  1/23/2007, 8:03 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Britney  ·  1/23/2007, 8:36 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Isla  ·  1/23/2007, 5:32 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Elphi  ·  1/23/2007, 2:11 AM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Elizaveta  ·  1/22/2007, 9:34 PM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Array  ·  1/22/2007, 9:08 PM
Re: Sibyl  ·  mum2bubba  ·  1/22/2007, 9:00 PM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Ciarda  ·  1/22/2007, 8:41 PM
Sybella is pretty. Prefer Sybil over Sibyl. [nt]  ·  Mum  ·  1/22/2007, 8:37 PM
Re: Sibyl  ·  Cora  ·  1/22/2007, 8:24 PM