[Games] Congrats Game Round 1
It may be awhile until the next round as our internet has been playing up.
This is the first round. I am not accepting any more sign ups. I have used a 6 sided die to determine what everyone gets. Enjoy.
Some rules:
All adopted children must be named after the country in brackets everyone else use the names below for your children..
Ages of your adopted children have been provided. If you have two adopted children of different ages they are siblings.
Please tell us how you family is doing especially if you have adopted children.
If you’re not clear on anything or I have made a mistake please let me know.
DH: Dear Husband
DW: Dear Wife
DS: Dear Spouse
DD: Dear Daughter
DS: Dear Son
AD: Adopted daughter
AS: Adopted Son
APT: Adopted Pregnant Teen
ATP: Adopted Teen Parent
ATPD: Adopted Teen Parent’s Daughter
ATPS: Adopted Teen Parent’s Son
ADD: Adopted Daughter with Disability
ASD: Adopted Son with Disability
Amelia, Anna, Asha, Dianne, Dionne, Emma, Hailey, Jacinta, Karen, Keeva, Lacie, Liesal, Natalie, Nicole, Nola, Raelene, Scarlett, Sierra, Tai, Victoria
Alex, Christian, Dane, Deacon, Dylan, Ethan, Hamish, Hugh, Hunter, Isaiah, James, Jason, Jin, Kyle, Milton, Neil, Ryan, Samuel, Sean, William
Username: Adriatika
LN: Wagner
DH: Gunnar Friedrich
DW: Gloria Narcissa
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: King
DS: Theodore James "Theo"
DS: Dahlia Winter
AS,AD,AD: 6 years (Thailand)
Username: Array
LN: Alden
DS: Laurence Thomas "Larry"
DS: Edith Winifred "Edie"
ADD: 2 months She has down syndrome (Fiji)
Username: Cera
LN: Peake
DH: Nathaniel Imre
DW: Daisy Rebecca
Username: Ebba
LN: Redwing
DH: Carter Jamie
DW: Ashlee Mae
Username: Eleanora
LN: Hartley
DH: Logan Rhys
DW: Olivia Claire
Username: Elle
LN: Bertram
DH: Jonas Wolfgang Ambrose Riley
DW: Alice Violet Elinor Margaret
Username: ellie321
LN: Cahill
DS: James
DS: Elisabeth
Username: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
APT: 13 Please let us know when she has the baby and what she calls it (Mozambique)
Username: enlatiah
LN: Michaels
DS: Austin Chance
DS: Saphnie Faith
LN: James
DS: Benjamin William
DS: Allegra Cecilia
Username: jmacsgurl "Shelby"
LN: Schroeder
DS: Matthew Ryan
DS: Shelby Rebecca
Username: JuliaB
LN: Carter
DS: Jesse Dale
DS: Julia Anne
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Verne
DH: Peter John
DS: Elisabeth Catherine "Liz"
Username: Kelga
LN: Thompson
DS: Leo Nathaniel
DS: Leslie Noelle
Username: Kelseyyy
LN: Sloan
DS: Mark Patrick
DS: Kelsey Nicole
Username: LadyBug
LN: Crawford
DH: Cholmondeley Armstrong
DW: Lucy Prudence
Username: laurea
LN: Henry
DH: Benjamin Asher "Ben"
DW: Catherine Marie "Cate"
Username: Lissy
LN: Bradley
DS: Mark Francis
DW: Lorraine Quirina
Username: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
AD: 5 years (Ireland)
AD: 3 years (Ireland)
Username: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
Username: Sabrina Fair
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
Username: salsa
LN: Keeling
DW: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Silas Alastair
Username: starlitgeorgia
LN: Ashley
DH: Daniel Russ
DW: Stephanie Marie
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
AS,AD: 1 week (Sweden)
Username: swisssugar
LN: Palmer
DH: Zachary Ryan "Zac"
DW: Nicole Francine
Username: SwtNikki87
LN: The Hayden's
DH: Samuel Allen
DW: Megan Danielle
Username: Tessy
LN: Bennett
DH: Robert Dewitt Abram
DS: Cordelia Anne "Cordie"
Username: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Aragorn
DW: Sonora Anais
Username: X Mar
LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
This is the first round. I am not accepting any more sign ups. I have used a 6 sided die to determine what everyone gets. Enjoy.
Some rules:
All adopted children must be named after the country in brackets everyone else use the names below for your children..
Ages of your adopted children have been provided. If you have two adopted children of different ages they are siblings.
Please tell us how you family is doing especially if you have adopted children.
If you’re not clear on anything or I have made a mistake please let me know.
DH: Dear Husband
DW: Dear Wife
DS: Dear Spouse
DD: Dear Daughter
DS: Dear Son
AD: Adopted daughter
AS: Adopted Son
APT: Adopted Pregnant Teen
ATP: Adopted Teen Parent
ATPD: Adopted Teen Parent’s Daughter
ATPS: Adopted Teen Parent’s Son
ADD: Adopted Daughter with Disability
ASD: Adopted Son with Disability
Amelia, Anna, Asha, Dianne, Dionne, Emma, Hailey, Jacinta, Karen, Keeva, Lacie, Liesal, Natalie, Nicole, Nola, Raelene, Scarlett, Sierra, Tai, Victoria
Alex, Christian, Dane, Deacon, Dylan, Ethan, Hamish, Hugh, Hunter, Isaiah, James, Jason, Jin, Kyle, Milton, Neil, Ryan, Samuel, Sean, William
Username: Adriatika
LN: Wagner
DH: Gunnar Friedrich
DW: Gloria Narcissa
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: King
DS: Theodore James "Theo"
DS: Dahlia Winter
AS,AD,AD: 6 years (Thailand)
Username: Array
LN: Alden
DS: Laurence Thomas "Larry"
DS: Edith Winifred "Edie"
ADD: 2 months She has down syndrome (Fiji)
Username: Cera
LN: Peake
DH: Nathaniel Imre
DW: Daisy Rebecca
Username: Ebba
LN: Redwing
DH: Carter Jamie
DW: Ashlee Mae
Username: Eleanora
LN: Hartley
DH: Logan Rhys
DW: Olivia Claire
Username: Elle
LN: Bertram
DH: Jonas Wolfgang Ambrose Riley
DW: Alice Violet Elinor Margaret
Username: ellie321
LN: Cahill
DS: James
DS: Elisabeth
Username: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
APT: 13 Please let us know when she has the baby and what she calls it (Mozambique)
Username: enlatiah
LN: Michaels
DS: Austin Chance
DS: Saphnie Faith
LN: James
DS: Benjamin William
DS: Allegra Cecilia
Username: jmacsgurl "Shelby"
LN: Schroeder
DS: Matthew Ryan
DS: Shelby Rebecca
Username: JuliaB
LN: Carter
DS: Jesse Dale
DS: Julia Anne
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Verne
DH: Peter John
DS: Elisabeth Catherine "Liz"
Username: Kelga
LN: Thompson
DS: Leo Nathaniel
DS: Leslie Noelle
Username: Kelseyyy
LN: Sloan
DS: Mark Patrick
DS: Kelsey Nicole
Username: LadyBug
LN: Crawford
DH: Cholmondeley Armstrong
DW: Lucy Prudence
Username: laurea
LN: Henry
DH: Benjamin Asher "Ben"
DW: Catherine Marie "Cate"
Username: Lissy
LN: Bradley
DS: Mark Francis
DW: Lorraine Quirina
Username: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
AD: 5 years (Ireland)
AD: 3 years (Ireland)
Username: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
Username: Sabrina Fair
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
Username: salsa
LN: Keeling
DW: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Silas Alastair
Username: starlitgeorgia
LN: Ashley
DH: Daniel Russ
DW: Stephanie Marie
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
AS,AD: 1 week (Sweden)
Username: swisssugar
LN: Palmer
DH: Zachary Ryan "Zac"
DW: Nicole Francine
Username: SwtNikki87
LN: The Hayden's
DH: Samuel Allen
DW: Megan Danielle
Username: Tessy
LN: Bennett
DH: Robert Dewitt Abram
DS: Cordelia Anne "Cordie"
Username: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Aragorn
DW: Sonora Anais
Username: X Mar
LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
LN: Keeling
DW: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Silas Alastair
DS: James Alex
DW: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Silas Alastair
DS: James Alex
Username: Adriatika
LN: Wagner
DH: Gunnar Friedrich
DW: Gloria Narcissa
DS,DD,DS,DS: Christian Neil / Natalie Scarlett / Dylan Isaiah / Samuel Hugh

LN: Wagner
DH: Gunnar Friedrich
DW: Gloria Narcissa
DS,DD,DS,DS: Christian Neil / Natalie Scarlett / Dylan Isaiah / Samuel Hugh

This message was edited 12/17/2006, 11:51 PM
Username: jmacsgurl "Shelby"
LN: Schroeder
DS: Matthew Ryan
DS: Shelby Rebecca
DD,DD,DS: Scarlett Emma , Amelia Karen , Deacon Isaiah
LN: Schroeder
DS: Matthew Ryan
DS: Shelby Rebecca
DD,DD,DS: Scarlett Emma , Amelia Karen , Deacon Isaiah
Username: laurea
LN: Henry
DH: Benjamin Asher "Ben"
DW: Catherine Marie "Cate"
DD: Victoria Natalie
*laurel* loves Ophelia Margot, Margaret Eloise "Midge", Stellan Aubrey Oswyn, Camden Montgomery

LN: Henry
DH: Benjamin Asher "Ben"
DW: Catherine Marie "Cate"
DD: Victoria Natalie
*laurel* loves Ophelia Margot, Margaret Eloise "Midge", Stellan Aubrey Oswyn, Camden Montgomery

Username: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil"
DW: Lydia Grace
APT: Marjani Sauda "Janie" (13, from Mozambique) Please let us know when she has the baby and what she calls it.
Wil and I adopted Marjani from Mozambique, Africa, not too long ago. Marjani was taken from a small tribal village where she was in an abusive relationship with both parents. "Janie" is very withdrawn and still does not say much. She knows only Swahili, but we did enroll her in ESL classes. We have found that Janie likes animals and can do a good deal of cooking, if it is only for African recipes. She was terribly afraid of the shower when she first arrived here, but she's getting better about baths. She also isn't fond of the car, but it fascinates her. About a week ago, we found out that Janie is four months pregnant. We aren't sure what Janie will name her baby, but we will let you know when the baby is born.
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Username: Kelseyyy
LN: Sloan
DS: Mark Patrick
DS: Kelsey Nicole
DD: Emma Scarlett
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
LN: Sloan
DS: Mark Patrick
DS: Kelsey Nicole
DD: Emma Scarlett
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
Username: ellie321
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Samuel Deacon
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Samuel Deacon
Username: Cera
LN: Peake
DH: Nathaniel Imre
DW: Daisy Rebecca
DD: Natalie Scarlett
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
LN: Peake
DH: Nathaniel Imre
DW: Daisy Rebecca
DD: Natalie Scarlett
Friendship is more lasting than love, and more legal than stalking.
-Jane, Coupling
Username: Summer
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
AS/AD: Mathias Sven "Matty" / Anika Karin
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
AS/AD: Mathias Sven "Matty" / Anika Karin
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
Username: Eleanora
LN: Hartley
DH: Logan Rhys
DW: Olivia Claire
DS/DS: Hamish William / Deacon Hugh
Eleanor x
LN: Hartley
DH: Logan Rhys
DW: Olivia Claire
DS/DS: Hamish William / Deacon Hugh
Eleanor x
This message was edited 12/17/2006, 5:02 AM
Jonas and Alice are pleased to announce the arrival of their fist child, a daughter: Amelia Scarlett Emma Victoria. Mia was born December 15th and weighed 7lbs 3oz and was 20 inches long. She has dark hair and big blue eyes like her daddy.
Username: Elle
LN: Bertram
DH: Jonas Wolfgang Ambrose Riley
DW: Alice Violet Elinor Margaret
DD: Amelia Scarlett Emma Victoria "Mia"
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
Username: Elle
LN: Bertram
DH: Jonas Wolfgang Ambrose Riley
DW: Alice Violet Elinor Margaret
DD: Amelia Scarlett Emma Victoria "Mia"
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
Username: X Mar
LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
DD,DD,DD,DS: Nola Victoria, Scarlett Nicole, Natalie Keeva, Deacon Alex
We were very very surprised to find out we were having quads. We got three girls and one boy. We had decided not to fnd out the sex of the babies before and Roman admitted he was getting really worried after the first three girls, becuase he really wanted a boy. He was very relieved to find out he had a son as well. HE adores the girls too of course. The babies are doing relatively well. They struggled in the very beginning, but accoring to the doctor that's normal for quads, because they can never make it to the full nine months of pregnancy. Right now they're all home, and keepng us very busy! Roman has taken a long break from work to help out, but he'll be going back to work before long. I'm afraid I can't handle the house work then, so two days a week my sister will help out, two days a week Roman's sister will help out and one day I have my mother over to help me. Roman will be there in the weekends. I guess we won't have a lot of time for ourselves the next couple of months (or years...).

LN: Angelov
DH: Roman Casimir
DW: Sora Juliet
DD,DD,DD,DS: Nola Victoria, Scarlett Nicole, Natalie Keeva, Deacon Alex
We were very very surprised to find out we were having quads. We got three girls and one boy. We had decided not to fnd out the sex of the babies before and Roman admitted he was getting really worried after the first three girls, becuase he really wanted a boy. He was very relieved to find out he had a son as well. HE adores the girls too of course. The babies are doing relatively well. They struggled in the very beginning, but accoring to the doctor that's normal for quads, because they can never make it to the full nine months of pregnancy. Right now they're all home, and keepng us very busy! Roman has taken a long break from work to help out, but he'll be going back to work before long. I'm afraid I can't handle the house work then, so two days a week my sister will help out, two days a week Roman's sister will help out and one day I have my mother over to help me. Roman will be there in the weekends. I guess we won't have a lot of time for ourselves the next couple of months (or years...).

Username: swisssugar
LN: Palmer
DH: Zachary Ryan "Zac"
DW: Nicole Francine
DD: Sierra Nicole
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

LN: Palmer
DH: Zachary Ryan "Zac"
DW: Nicole Francine
DD: Sierra Nicole

Username: Tessy
LN: Bennett
DH: Robert Dewitt Abram
DS: Cordelia Anne "Cordie"
DD: Emma Hailey
LN: Bennett
DH: Robert Dewitt Abram
DS: Cordelia Anne "Cordie"
DD: Emma Hailey
Username: Keepskuh
LN: Verne
DH: Peter John
DS: Elisabeth Catherine "Liz"
DS: Alex Dylan (nb)
LN: Verne
DH: Peter John
DS: Elisabeth Catherine "Liz"
DS: Alex Dylan (nb)
Username: Lissy
LN: Bradley
DS: Mark Francis
DW: Lorraine Quirina
DD: Anna Hailey

LN: Bradley
DS: Mark Francis
DW: Lorraine Quirina
DD: Anna Hailey

Username: JuliaB
LN: Carter
DS: Jesse Dale
DS: Julia Anne
DS: Deacon Samuel
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
LN: Carter
DS: Jesse Dale
DS: Julia Anne
DS: Deacon Samuel
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks, greater than signs, commercial at signs, and asterisks! *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
Username: Sabrina Fair
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DD/DD/DD: Emma Victoria, Hailey Scarlett, Sierra Tai
~Currently Loving The Names~
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DD/DD/DD: Emma Victoria, Hailey Scarlett, Sierra Tai
Username: Akua Topaz
LN: King
DH: Theodore James "Theo"
DW: Dahlia Winter
AS,AD,AD: Niran Kiet, Vanida Solana, Phailin Ratana

LN: King
DH: Theodore James "Theo"
DW: Dahlia Winter
AS,AD,AD: Niran Kiet, Vanida Solana, Phailin Ratana

Username: Array
LN: Alden
DS: Laurence Thomas "Larry"
DS: Edith Winifred "Edie"
ADD: Kasanita Edith "Kassy," 2 months (down syndrome, from Fiji)
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
LN: Alden
DS: Laurence Thomas "Larry"
DS: Edith Winifred "Edie"
ADD: Kasanita Edith "Kassy," 2 months (down syndrome, from Fiji)
I want to be be more like a river--
Less like a wall--
Not trying to hold back these feelings at all.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
This message was edited 12/16/2006, 9:28 PM
LN: Thompson
DS: Leo Nathaniel
DS: Leslie Noelle
DD: Asha Dionne
DS: Leo Nathaniel
DS: Leslie Noelle
DD: Asha Dionne
Username: Rachel
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Scarlett Natalie
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
LN: Sims
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Scarlett Natalie
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free