[Games] Re: Sugar's Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by miss_smiley
Brandon and Elise, these are your new children:
The twins Heather Grace and Megan Harriet (both five years old) are the sisters of Jack Callum and Millicent Eve "Millie", who are twins aged four months. Their mother raised Heather and Megan alone, and when she had another set of twins, she could not handle them anymore. Heather and Megan are identical and love to play tricks on people. Jack and Millie are wonderful babies.
Please let us know how Heather, Millie, Jack and Megan are doing!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one. (Elbert Hubbard)

The twins Heather Grace and Megan Harriet (both five years old) are the sisters of Jack Callum and Millicent Eve "Millie", who are twins aged four months. Their mother raised Heather and Megan alone, and when she had another set of twins, she could not handle them anymore. Heather and Megan are identical and love to play tricks on people. Jack and Millie are wonderful babies.
Please let us know how Heather, Millie, Jack and Megan are doing!