[Facts] meaning of name
Does anyone have the meaning of the name Anushri in any language
anushrI is probably a modern coinage in India (North and East) patterned after older names. anu- is a Sanskrit prefix meaning `following' in extremely varied shades of meaning (thus, it could mean ideas expressed in English with phrases inferior to, close to, after, younger than, towards, with respect to, etc.). shrI is the classic word related to beauty and wealth: etymologically, it probably means diffusing light (The roots shri, a very old root cognate with the English verb lean and whose meaning was to rest upon, turn or go towards, illuminate, or worship, and shrI meaning to cook, make hot, light, or sweat, have not always been distinct in ancient usage). shrI is the name of goddesses of wealth, and of knowledge, has been used often as a name, either alone or in combination, and is the name of plants, musical forms, and chemicals.
Most Bengali people would probably think of anushrI as a follower of the popular goddess of wealth and beauty.
Most Bengali people would probably think of anushrI as a follower of the popular goddess of wealth and beauty.