[Opinions] Re: Hanna or Hannah?
in reply to a message by Emma
I think Anna and Hanna(h) would be too similar to use. If I can recall correctly, I believe they derive from the same Hebrew root name meaning 'grace'.
I like Hannah, but would prefer the spelling Hanna. However, a good palindrome is always fun. :)
Hanna Josephine
Hanna Elise
Hanna Catherine
Hanna Gretchen
Hanna Ellen
Hanna Felicity
Hanna Isotta
Hanna Phoebe
Hanna Arabella
Hanna Gillian
Hanna Iris
Hanna Lucy
Hanna Christine

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
I like Hannah, but would prefer the spelling Hanna. However, a good palindrome is always fun. :)
Hanna Josephine
Hanna Elise
Hanna Catherine
Hanna Gretchen
Hanna Ellen
Hanna Felicity
Hanna Isotta
Hanna Phoebe
Hanna Arabella
Hanna Gillian
Hanna Iris
Hanna Lucy
Hanna Christine

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...