[Opinions] Lillian vs. Lilliana
We just found out that we are having a girl. My daughter wants to call her Lilly. I want to use Gertrude for a Middle Name. I think Lilliana Gertrude is easier to say than Lillian Gertrude. What do you think?
I much prefer Lillian Gertrude, actually. Lilliana doesn't do anything for me, but Lillian is so pretty :-)
Jennifer Nicole

...Loving the Names...
Ariella Faith, Elisabeth Maria, Olivia Jasmine
Cade Preston, Grant Joseph, Jude Hamilton

...Loving the Names...
Ariella Faith, Elisabeth Maria, Olivia Jasmine
Cade Preston, Grant Joseph, Jude Hamilton
I think Lilliana sounds better.

I prefer Lily to any of them and Lily Gertrude sounds good to me, but out of Lillian and Liliana I prefer Lillian. Liliana is very over the top frilly and trendy at the moment. Lillian is beautiful and is still girly but without being overly so.
Lillian Gertrude is my pick
Lillian Gertrude is my pick
How about Lilly Gertrude?
Lillian Gertrude flows much better. I prefer Lillian to Lilliana.
Loving Theodore Elliott and Chava Louise!
I think Lillian Gertrude flows well enough on its own. Lilliana is pretty, but rather contrived/fluffy sounding. I prefer Lillian on its own.
Magnanimous Despair alone could show me so divine a thing, where feeble hope could ne'er have flown, but vainly flapped its tinsel wing.
Magnanimous Despair alone could show me so divine a thing, where feeble hope could ne'er have flown, but vainly flapped its tinsel wing.
I like both Lillian and Lilliana but Lillian Gertrude sounds best to my ears
I like Lillian Gertrude better than Lilliana Gertrude. Lillian Gertrude is absolutely adorable with a hint of old-fashioned charm. :) I don't know why, but Lilliana sounds rather dull to my ears, plus I don't think it goes too well with Gertrude.
I also think Lillian Gertrude is easier to say, but that could just be me.

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
I also think Lillian Gertrude is easier to say, but that could just be me.

Life before four Oscars and twelve Oscar nominations...
Yeah, I'd go with Lilliana