[Opinions] Celtic names
We're going celtic...
What do you think are the top picks?
Sorcha SUR-a-ka
Aislinge ash-leen-ya (genitive of ashling, means 'of a vision')
Fionnabhair fin-a-veer
Crionna - cree-na (means wisdom)
Scathniamh - scaw-nee-uv or scar-nee-uv
Anaomh - Ah-nyav, (Or just Neamh, Heaven)
Taitnin - tach-neen (i thought it was tayt-neen, but have been corrected)
Siofra - shee-fra, little elf
Siobur - shee-ba, fairy (old irish, modern irish is Siog showg)
Angharad - ang-HAH-rud (g is like the g in ing)
Gwenhwyfer - gwen-hoy-va or gwen-hwee-va
Enfys - en-viss
Seren - seh-ren
Awen - ay-oo-wen or ar-wen
Lloer - hloy-a - i don't find ll a difficult sound to pronounce but it would confuse someone who didn't know, so probably wouldn't use it, practically.
Kerenza - means love
Tansys - tanziz
Sterenden - star
Aelwyn - fair angel ayl-wen
What do you think are the top picks?
Sorcha SUR-a-ka
Aislinge ash-leen-ya (genitive of ashling, means 'of a vision')
Fionnabhair fin-a-veer
Crionna - cree-na (means wisdom)
Scathniamh - scaw-nee-uv or scar-nee-uv
Anaomh - Ah-nyav, (Or just Neamh, Heaven)
Taitnin - tach-neen (i thought it was tayt-neen, but have been corrected)
Siofra - shee-fra, little elf
Siobur - shee-ba, fairy (old irish, modern irish is Siog showg)
Angharad - ang-HAH-rud (g is like the g in ing)
Gwenhwyfer - gwen-hoy-va or gwen-hwee-va
Enfys - en-viss
Seren - seh-ren
Awen - ay-oo-wen or ar-wen
Lloer - hloy-a - i don't find ll a difficult sound to pronounce but it would confuse someone who didn't know, so probably wouldn't use it, practically.
Kerenza - means love
Tansys - tanziz
Sterenden - star
Aelwyn - fair angel ayl-wen
This message was edited 11/21/2006, 2:01 AM
I'm from Ireland...can't say much about the Welsh names, but I suggest you do more research on the others. Many of your spellings and pronouciations are WAY off! Sorry no time to get into it
Have to second the "do more research" on the Irish names. I'm not Irish myself, but I've lived here (Limerick) for a while now, and while I know people with some of these names, the pronunciation's significantly different.
I'm Welsh so i love Welsh names, i really like the meanings of Enfys and Seren but prefure Seren as a name good luck choosing :)