[Games] Elizaveta's Congrats Final Round
Welcome to the final round of my congrats game. I hope you have had fun playing. Last round 21 people said that they liked the name Christian, and they all got boys. 21 people said that they disliked the name Christian, and they all got girls. Here are the results for your favorite “author” name…
Astrid – 6 votes
Beatrix – 8 votes
Csilla – 1 votes
Harriet – 12 votes
Myra – 12 votes
Wendy – 3 votes
Emma_Rae, Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, mashlover, Raeann, and rainbow_Maya, need to finish round 5.
Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, mashlover, and rainbow_Maya need to finish rounds 3 & 4.
Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, and mashlover need to finish round 2.
Round 6 Rules
Please tell me your answers to the following questions!
Do you like the name Kassia?
Yes – You get a Girl!
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Antonio – Choose first name from Namebank #2; middle name from Namebank #5
Giovanni – Choose first name from Namebank #6; middle name from Namebank #2
Michelangelo – Choose first name from Namebank #4; middle name from Namebank #1
Pierre – Choose first name from Namebank #3; middle name from Namebank #6
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
Nicknames are fine, but spelling changes are not!
Girl Namebanks:
Namebank #1
Dana, Genevieve, Johanna, Bianca, Lilly, Juliana, Minerva, Sophie, Reagan, Athena, Teresa, Ryan, Wendy, Ruth, Jenna, Madeline, Evelyn, Camille, Anastasia, Katherine, Hannah, Isis, Dominique, Judith, Arielle, Juliette, Gillian, Giovanna, Aurora, Ivy
Namebank #2
Maeve, Moira, Sheila, Orla, Shea, Deirdre, Aoife, Cáit, Erin, Fíona, Keeley, Nora, Laoise, Niamh, Eilís, Enya, Líle, Talulla, River, Winter, Meadow, Flame, Harmony, Echo, Juniper, Wednesday, December, Lavender, Sky, Briar
Namebank #3
Rosanna, Millicent, Florence, Dorothy, Augusta, Adeline, Meredith, Rosemarie, Mae, Audrey, Renee, Beatrice, Lucille, Esther, Josephine, Sylvia, Edith, Beverly, Alice, Margaret, Patricia, Evangelina, Ophelia, Annabelle, Minerva, Lillian, Catalina, Myra, Adrienne, Della
Namebank #4
Bethany, Drusilla, Eve, Naamah, Tirzah, Sarai, Abigail, Jemima, Damaris, Keziah, Miriam, Rebecca, Zipporah, Vashti, Selah, Anna, Hephzibah, Noah, Mara, Talitha, Susanna, Lydia, Delilah, Phoebe, Jedidah, Apphia, Chloe, Keturah, Magdalene, Eden
Namebank #5
Jennifer, Maria, Carolyn, Deborah, Collette, Margot, Mitzi, Isabel, Shawn, Lenora, Glenna, Tonya, Hope, Viola, Gretchen, Gwen, Lucinda, Hazel, Francine, Claire, Beatrice, Tamara, Vanessa, Ruby, Vivian, Irene, Regina, Maureen, Kimberly, Ellen
Namebank #6
Margaret, Anne, Emilia, Helena, Valentine, Eleanor, Mariana, Portia, Adriana, Blanche, Cassandra, Celia, Cleopatra, Cordelia, Desdemona, Imogen, Hermione, Kate, Iris, Lavinia, Luciana, Nell, Miranda, Octavia, Rosaline, Tamora, Patience, Titania, Nerissa, Ceres
Boy Namebanks:
Namebank #1
Dimitri, Nash, Luka, Mathias, Cade, Asher, Jackson, Gabriel, Samuel, Nico, Maximillian, Jett, Reed, Rowan, Declan, Brennan, Leo, Troy, Rafael, Miles, Bradley, Josiah, Vincent, Ian, Jeremy, Ethan, Nathanael, Quinton, Dane, Alec
Namebank #2
Aodhán, Cian, Brody, Teagan, Seán, Ruarc, Patrick, Murphy, Keenan, Finn, Declan, Kieran, Grady, Liam, Naoise, Rory, Shane, Oran, Ash, Wolf, Orion, Timothy, Reed, Forest, Hawk, Archer, Blaze, Griffin
Namebank #3
James, Robert, Tristan, Abraham, Arnold, Theodore, Lawrence, Demetrius, Zachariah, Mac, Wyatt, Josef, Emerson, Frederic, Kendrick, Simon, Jerome, Calvin, Douglas, Kenneth, Richard, Dorian, Micah, Damian, Clinton, Alan, Craig, Raymond, Anthony, Matthew
Namebank #4
Adam, Amos, Gideon, Daniel, Emmanuel, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Cain, Jedidiah, Phinehas, Thaddeus, Joshua, Malachi, Paul, Zedekiah, Seth, Shadrach, Jacob, Eli, Asa, Ezra, Gabriel, Caleb, Benjamin, Jeremiah, Jude, Nathan, Thomas, Simon, Reuben
Namebank #5
Darcy, Broderick, Jeremy, Dane, Evan, Dexter, Bradford, Luther, Wade, Terrance, Alexander, Roland, Gerard, Robin, Wesley, Bryan, Mitchell, Jonathan, Phillip, Jack, Gregory, Stephen, William, Pierre, Elliot, Murray, Kendall, Aubrey, Owen
Namebank #6
John, Henry, Thomas, Edward, Lucius, Charles, Edmund, George, Adrian, Christopher, Claudius, Hugh, Lewis, Sebastian, Adam, Arthur, Bertram, Curtis, Griffith, Duncan, Grey, Lennox, Lance, Hero, Malcolm, Mark, Orlando, Ross, Travers, Warwick
LN: Jacoby
DH: Arabella Jade "Ari"
DW: Gregory Chance "Greg"
DD: Minerva Magdalene "Minnie"
DS: Adrian Leo
DS: Elliot Lennox
DD: Imogen Abigail Eve
DS: Luka Thaddeus Ezra
LN: Vartan
DH: Edmond Gabriel (42)
DW: Evelyn Sophia "Eve" (36)
DS: Nathanael Arthur "Nat" (12)
DD: Hephzibah Ruby "Zibby" (9)
DS: Jonathan Grey "Jackie" (7)
DS: Gregory Calvin "Gregor" (4)
DS: Thaddeus Bertram "Tad" (0)
LN: Bucci
DH: Anthony Michael
DW: Gianna Antonia "Gia"
DD: Giovanna Claire
DS: Adam Richard
DS: Matthew Zacchariah 'Matt'
DD: Reagan Briar
DD: Maria Ember
LN: Huard
DH: Jay Thomas
DW: Regan Marie
DS: Alec John
DS: Charles Declan "Charlie"
DS: James Kieran "Jamie"
DD: Isabel Meredith
DS: Liam Joshua
LN: Winchester
DH: Remus Bartholomew Fawkes
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Maximilian Hugh "Maxim"
DD: Lucinda Maeve
DS: Emmanuel Tristan "Emma"
DS: Declan Sebastian
DS: Phineas Edmund
LN: Colavita
DH: Mario Salvatore
DW: Rosina Celeste
DD: Anna Maeve
DS: Anthony John
DS: Adam James
DD: Giovanna Erin
DS: Alexander Timothy
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Jenna Iris
DS: John Samuel
DS: James Patrick
DD: Adriana Rebecca
DS: William Shane "Liam"
LN: Anderson
DH: Matthew James
DW: Susannah Grace
DD: Lydia Patience
DS: Christopher Josiah
DS: Alexander Charles
DD: Katherine Harmony
DD: Anne Deborah
LN: Eaton
DH: William Lawrence
DW: Elizabeth Antonia
DD: Margaret Lydia "Mamie"
DS: Edward Samuel "Ned"
DS: Douglas Patrick "Doug"
DD: Minerva Eilis "Minnie"
DD: Evelyn Susanna
LN: Donnelly
DH: William Edward "Liam"
DW: Aliya Pearl
DD: Meredith Susanna "Merry"
DS: Arthur Mathias “Art”
DS: Calvin Ruarc "Cal"
DD: Eve Madeline
DD: Gwen Winter
LN: Jackson
DH: James Aaron
DW: Lisa Marie
DD: Ophelia Eve (9)
DS: Nico James (6)
DS: Damian Ruarc (5)
DD: Patience Lydia (2)
DD: Sarai Emilia
LN: Hakimian
DH: Shawn Michael
DW: Rachel Leah
DD: Arielle Emilia "Ari"
DS: Matthew Ross
DD: Lily Isabel
DS: Nathan Miles
DS: Wesley Reed "Wes"
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Jackson Elliot
DS: Wyatt Sebastian
DD: Audrey Lavender
DD: Emilia Eve
LN: Pryor
DH: Austin James
DW: Jane Elisha
DD: Ivy Cassandra
DS: John Declan "Jack"
DD: Reagan Claire
DS: Declan Henry
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Huntley
DH: Deacon Michael
DW: Alexandra Selene
DD: Anastasia Iris
DD: Gretchen Maeve
DS: Gabriel Alexander
DD: Miranda Eve
DD: Arielle Jemima
LN: Baker
DH: Robert Thomas "Bobby"
DW: Marina Josephine "Mari"
DS: Jeremiah Shane
DS: Stephen Patrick
DS: Matthew Kieran
DD: Rebecca Katherine
DD: Claire Harmony
LN: Nesheim
DH: Taylor Anthony
DW: Megan Michele
DD: Giovanna Helena
DS: Dexter Reed
DS: Rowan William
DD: Hermione Anna
DD: Sarai Miranda
LN: Madden
DH: Mary Elizabeth
DW: James Andrew
DD: Ophelia Eve
DD: Adrienne Iris
DS: Kieran Gabriel
DS: Theodore Alexander
DD: Hermione Isabel
LN: O'Ryan
DH: Bruce Gregory
DW: Margaret Kate
DS: Samuel Christopher "Sammy"
DS: Ian James
DS: Anthony Liam
DD: Moira Margaret
DS: Patrick Simon
LN: Brennan
DH: Andrew James
DW: Lilia Marie
DD: Aurora Madeline
DS: Anthony George
DD: Erin Arielle
DD: Jennifer Ophelia
DS: Benjamin George
***Jeana Bradbury***
LN: Graydon
DH: Peter
DW: Francesca Emilie
DD: Jemima Niamh
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Briar Collette
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Nevil
DH: Issac Corbin
DW: Essie Dayna Brooke
DD: Anna Fíona
DS: Jackson Kenneth "Jack"
DS: Lawrence Griffin
DD: Helena Mara
DS: Owen Patrick
LN: Richards
DH: Thomas Lamar
DW: Tina Leigh
DS: Asher Malcolm
DD: Helena Genevieve
DS: James Patrick "J.P. or Jamie"
DD: Emilia Magdalene
DD: Reagan Abigail
LN: Pierce
DH: Gabriel Dante
DW: Emilia Celeste
DD: Lydia Winter
DS: Adrian Luka
DS: Wyatt Finn
DD: Luciana Eve
DS: Liam Anthony
LN: Wentworth
DH: Frederick Roman
DW: Anne Elizabeth
DS: Tristan Malachi
DS: Nathanael Robert
DD: Claire Emilia
DD: Sophie Eilis
DS: Griffin James
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Robert
DW: Arabella Catherine
DD: Lydia Hermione
DD: Imogen Anastasia
DS: Henry Phinehas
DD: Jemima Isis
DD: Beatrice Maeve
LN: Cain
DH: Larry Morgan
DW: Samantha Elizabeth
DS: Bradley Warwick
DD: Kate Lydia
DD: Wendy Vivian
DD: Ceres Eve
DS: Duncan Gregory
LN: Sawyer
DH: Edward John (36)
DW: Gabrielle Anna (33)
DD: Juliette Iris (8)
DD: Lucinda Lavender (5)
DS: Theodore Griffin "Theo" (3)
DD: Annabelle Hazel (1)
DD: Sophie Delilah (0)
LN: Warwick
DH: Abraham Tristan "Abe"
DW: Eve Nora "Evie"
DD: Lydia Mariana
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Rutherford
DH: Michael Yves
DW: Sara Louisa
DS: Simon Wolf
DS: Miles Abraham
DD: Iris Eve
DS: Leo Finn
DS: Eli Hugh
*** michal1234***
LN: Evans
DH: Seth
DW: Michal
DD: Aurora Kate "Rory"
DD: Lillian Emilia "Lilly"
DS: Jacob Zachariah "Jake"
DS: Adam Eli
DD: Eden Kate
***Miss Lissa***
LN: Shake
DH: Ralph Thomas Daniel
DW: Melissa Renee
DD: Juliana Kate "Ana"
DS: Sebastian Luka
DS: Declan Asher
DD: Bethany Ruth
DD: Lydia Anne
*** miss_smiley***
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS: Maximillian Adam Orlando "Max"
DD: Lenora Sophie Madeline
DS: Gabriel Demetrius Theodore
DS: Zachariah Kendal Alexander "Zach"
DD: Tallula Adeline Beatrice
LN: Faye
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Amethyst Skye
DD: Camille Rosaline
DS: Adam Gabriel Josiah
DD: Shae-fiona Arielle
DD: Lavinia-Adriana Eve
DS: William Blaze "Liam"
LN: Dawson
DH: Eric Christopher
DW: Katelyn Rochelle "Kate"
DD: Evangelina Chloe "Eva"
DS: Jeremy Kiernan "Kiernan"
DD: Isabel Adriana "Issi"
DS: Micah Wesley
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Beagle
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Vincent Charles "Vinny"
DD: Abigail Viola
DD: Rebecca Rosanna
DD: Lillian Vanessa "Lily"
DD: Imogen Lavender
*** rainbow_Maya***
LN: Sandwich
DH: George Earl
DW: Malaika Liane
DD: Ivy Titania
DD: Ruth Ophelia
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
***Sabrina Fair***
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Jackson Aubrey
DS: Sebastian Reed
DS: Forest Asher
DD: Iris Eden
DS: Archer Theodore
LN: McLeod
DH: Jay David
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Keziah Sheila
DD: Hazel Sky
DD: Catalina Aoife
DD: Adrienne Collette
DD: Delilah Rosaline
***sarah lee***
LN: Line
DH: George Peter
DW: Veronica Maye
DS: Patrick Stephen
DS: Warwick Samuel
DD: Beatrice Hermione
DD: Katherine Harmony "Kate"
DD: Phoebe Eleanor
LN: Stetson
DH: Albert James
DW: Mary Alice
DS: Timothy Wade
DS: Josiah Matthew
DD: Ruth Isabel
DS: Thomas Eli
DD: Eve Octavia
***Skye Morgan***
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurora Kate
DS: Lance Brennan
DD: Ruby Miranda
DS: Curtis Daniel
DD: Bianca Eve
LN: Scott
DM: Sophie Louise
DD: Bethany Maeve
DD: Teresa Lillian
DS: Jonathan Mark
DD: Madeline Sky
DS: Simon Christopher
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DS: Emerson Daniel
DS: Patrick Jacob
DS: Micah Sean
DS: Jackson Brody
DS: William Kieran
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Gillian Cassandra "Gilly"
DD: Vanessa Shea "Nessie"
DD: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
DS: Damian Wesley
DS: Matthew Ian "Matty"
LN: Ericson
DH: Lars Andreas
DW: Aria Nayeli
DD: Adeline Zipporah "Della"
DD: Eleanor Arielle "Nora"
DS: Orlando Benjamin "Orlie"
DD: Arielle Juniper "June"
DD: Hazel Meadow
***X Mar***
LN: Morgenster
DH: Lex Maximillian
DW: Evelyn Rosalie "Evie"
DS: Troy Lennox
DD: Eden Gwen "Edie"
DS: Shane Maximillian
DS: Griffin Sebastian "Griff"
DS: Reed Emerson
LN: Monaghan
DH: Michael Ian
DW: Linnea Rose
DS: Nathanael Ross "Nate"
DD: Celia Camille
DS: James Patrick
DD: Anna Katherine
DS: Liam Zachariah
“I have a separate stomach just for cake and ice-cream.” Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Astrid – 6 votes
Beatrix – 8 votes
Csilla – 1 votes
Harriet – 12 votes
Myra – 12 votes
Wendy – 3 votes
Emma_Rae, Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, mashlover, Raeann, and rainbow_Maya, need to finish round 5.
Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, mashlover, and rainbow_Maya need to finish rounds 3 & 4.
Jeana Bradbury, Jenni, and mashlover need to finish round 2.
Round 6 Rules
Please tell me your answers to the following questions!
Do you like the name Kassia?
Yes – You get a Girl!
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Antonio – Choose first name from Namebank #2; middle name from Namebank #5
Giovanni – Choose first name from Namebank #6; middle name from Namebank #2
Michelangelo – Choose first name from Namebank #4; middle name from Namebank #1
Pierre – Choose first name from Namebank #3; middle name from Namebank #6
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
Nicknames are fine, but spelling changes are not!
Girl Namebanks:
Namebank #1
Dana, Genevieve, Johanna, Bianca, Lilly, Juliana, Minerva, Sophie, Reagan, Athena, Teresa, Ryan, Wendy, Ruth, Jenna, Madeline, Evelyn, Camille, Anastasia, Katherine, Hannah, Isis, Dominique, Judith, Arielle, Juliette, Gillian, Giovanna, Aurora, Ivy
Namebank #2
Maeve, Moira, Sheila, Orla, Shea, Deirdre, Aoife, Cáit, Erin, Fíona, Keeley, Nora, Laoise, Niamh, Eilís, Enya, Líle, Talulla, River, Winter, Meadow, Flame, Harmony, Echo, Juniper, Wednesday, December, Lavender, Sky, Briar
Namebank #3
Rosanna, Millicent, Florence, Dorothy, Augusta, Adeline, Meredith, Rosemarie, Mae, Audrey, Renee, Beatrice, Lucille, Esther, Josephine, Sylvia, Edith, Beverly, Alice, Margaret, Patricia, Evangelina, Ophelia, Annabelle, Minerva, Lillian, Catalina, Myra, Adrienne, Della
Namebank #4
Bethany, Drusilla, Eve, Naamah, Tirzah, Sarai, Abigail, Jemima, Damaris, Keziah, Miriam, Rebecca, Zipporah, Vashti, Selah, Anna, Hephzibah, Noah, Mara, Talitha, Susanna, Lydia, Delilah, Phoebe, Jedidah, Apphia, Chloe, Keturah, Magdalene, Eden
Namebank #5
Jennifer, Maria, Carolyn, Deborah, Collette, Margot, Mitzi, Isabel, Shawn, Lenora, Glenna, Tonya, Hope, Viola, Gretchen, Gwen, Lucinda, Hazel, Francine, Claire, Beatrice, Tamara, Vanessa, Ruby, Vivian, Irene, Regina, Maureen, Kimberly, Ellen
Namebank #6
Margaret, Anne, Emilia, Helena, Valentine, Eleanor, Mariana, Portia, Adriana, Blanche, Cassandra, Celia, Cleopatra, Cordelia, Desdemona, Imogen, Hermione, Kate, Iris, Lavinia, Luciana, Nell, Miranda, Octavia, Rosaline, Tamora, Patience, Titania, Nerissa, Ceres
Boy Namebanks:
Namebank #1
Dimitri, Nash, Luka, Mathias, Cade, Asher, Jackson, Gabriel, Samuel, Nico, Maximillian, Jett, Reed, Rowan, Declan, Brennan, Leo, Troy, Rafael, Miles, Bradley, Josiah, Vincent, Ian, Jeremy, Ethan, Nathanael, Quinton, Dane, Alec
Namebank #2
Aodhán, Cian, Brody, Teagan, Seán, Ruarc, Patrick, Murphy, Keenan, Finn, Declan, Kieran, Grady, Liam, Naoise, Rory, Shane, Oran, Ash, Wolf, Orion, Timothy, Reed, Forest, Hawk, Archer, Blaze, Griffin
Namebank #3
James, Robert, Tristan, Abraham, Arnold, Theodore, Lawrence, Demetrius, Zachariah, Mac, Wyatt, Josef, Emerson, Frederic, Kendrick, Simon, Jerome, Calvin, Douglas, Kenneth, Richard, Dorian, Micah, Damian, Clinton, Alan, Craig, Raymond, Anthony, Matthew
Namebank #4
Adam, Amos, Gideon, Daniel, Emmanuel, Isaiah, Hezekiah, Cain, Jedidiah, Phinehas, Thaddeus, Joshua, Malachi, Paul, Zedekiah, Seth, Shadrach, Jacob, Eli, Asa, Ezra, Gabriel, Caleb, Benjamin, Jeremiah, Jude, Nathan, Thomas, Simon, Reuben
Namebank #5
Darcy, Broderick, Jeremy, Dane, Evan, Dexter, Bradford, Luther, Wade, Terrance, Alexander, Roland, Gerard, Robin, Wesley, Bryan, Mitchell, Jonathan, Phillip, Jack, Gregory, Stephen, William, Pierre, Elliot, Murray, Kendall, Aubrey, Owen
Namebank #6
John, Henry, Thomas, Edward, Lucius, Charles, Edmund, George, Adrian, Christopher, Claudius, Hugh, Lewis, Sebastian, Adam, Arthur, Bertram, Curtis, Griffith, Duncan, Grey, Lennox, Lance, Hero, Malcolm, Mark, Orlando, Ross, Travers, Warwick
LN: Jacoby
DH: Arabella Jade "Ari"
DW: Gregory Chance "Greg"
DD: Minerva Magdalene "Minnie"
DS: Adrian Leo
DS: Elliot Lennox
DD: Imogen Abigail Eve
DS: Luka Thaddeus Ezra
LN: Vartan
DH: Edmond Gabriel (42)
DW: Evelyn Sophia "Eve" (36)
DS: Nathanael Arthur "Nat" (12)
DD: Hephzibah Ruby "Zibby" (9)
DS: Jonathan Grey "Jackie" (7)
DS: Gregory Calvin "Gregor" (4)
DS: Thaddeus Bertram "Tad" (0)
LN: Bucci
DH: Anthony Michael
DW: Gianna Antonia "Gia"
DD: Giovanna Claire
DS: Adam Richard
DS: Matthew Zacchariah 'Matt'
DD: Reagan Briar
DD: Maria Ember
LN: Huard
DH: Jay Thomas
DW: Regan Marie
DS: Alec John
DS: Charles Declan "Charlie"
DS: James Kieran "Jamie"
DD: Isabel Meredith
DS: Liam Joshua
LN: Winchester
DH: Remus Bartholomew Fawkes
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Maximilian Hugh "Maxim"
DD: Lucinda Maeve
DS: Emmanuel Tristan "Emma"
DS: Declan Sebastian
DS: Phineas Edmund
LN: Colavita
DH: Mario Salvatore
DW: Rosina Celeste
DD: Anna Maeve
DS: Anthony John
DS: Adam James
DD: Giovanna Erin
DS: Alexander Timothy
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Jenna Iris
DS: John Samuel
DS: James Patrick
DD: Adriana Rebecca
DS: William Shane "Liam"
LN: Anderson
DH: Matthew James
DW: Susannah Grace
DD: Lydia Patience
DS: Christopher Josiah
DS: Alexander Charles
DD: Katherine Harmony
DD: Anne Deborah
LN: Eaton
DH: William Lawrence
DW: Elizabeth Antonia
DD: Margaret Lydia "Mamie"
DS: Edward Samuel "Ned"
DS: Douglas Patrick "Doug"
DD: Minerva Eilis "Minnie"
DD: Evelyn Susanna
LN: Donnelly
DH: William Edward "Liam"
DW: Aliya Pearl
DD: Meredith Susanna "Merry"
DS: Arthur Mathias “Art”
DS: Calvin Ruarc "Cal"
DD: Eve Madeline
DD: Gwen Winter
LN: Jackson
DH: James Aaron
DW: Lisa Marie
DD: Ophelia Eve (9)
DS: Nico James (6)
DS: Damian Ruarc (5)
DD: Patience Lydia (2)
DD: Sarai Emilia
LN: Hakimian
DH: Shawn Michael
DW: Rachel Leah
DD: Arielle Emilia "Ari"
DS: Matthew Ross
DD: Lily Isabel
DS: Nathan Miles
DS: Wesley Reed "Wes"
LN: Cahill
DH: James
DW: Elisabeth
DS: Jackson Elliot
DS: Wyatt Sebastian
DD: Audrey Lavender
DD: Emilia Eve
LN: Pryor
DH: Austin James
DW: Jane Elisha
DD: Ivy Cassandra
DS: John Declan "Jack"
DD: Reagan Claire
DS: Declan Henry
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Huntley
DH: Deacon Michael
DW: Alexandra Selene
DD: Anastasia Iris
DD: Gretchen Maeve
DS: Gabriel Alexander
DD: Miranda Eve
DD: Arielle Jemima
LN: Baker
DH: Robert Thomas "Bobby"
DW: Marina Josephine "Mari"
DS: Jeremiah Shane
DS: Stephen Patrick
DS: Matthew Kieran
DD: Rebecca Katherine
DD: Claire Harmony
LN: Nesheim
DH: Taylor Anthony
DW: Megan Michele
DD: Giovanna Helena
DS: Dexter Reed
DS: Rowan William
DD: Hermione Anna
DD: Sarai Miranda
LN: Madden
DH: Mary Elizabeth
DW: James Andrew
DD: Ophelia Eve
DD: Adrienne Iris
DS: Kieran Gabriel
DS: Theodore Alexander
DD: Hermione Isabel
LN: O'Ryan
DH: Bruce Gregory
DW: Margaret Kate
DS: Samuel Christopher "Sammy"
DS: Ian James
DS: Anthony Liam
DD: Moira Margaret
DS: Patrick Simon
LN: Brennan
DH: Andrew James
DW: Lilia Marie
DD: Aurora Madeline
DS: Anthony George
DD: Erin Arielle
DD: Jennifer Ophelia
DS: Benjamin George
***Jeana Bradbury***
LN: Graydon
DH: Peter
DW: Francesca Emilie
DD: Jemima Niamh
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Briar Collette
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Nevil
DH: Issac Corbin
DW: Essie Dayna Brooke
DD: Anna Fíona
DS: Jackson Kenneth "Jack"
DS: Lawrence Griffin
DD: Helena Mara
DS: Owen Patrick
LN: Richards
DH: Thomas Lamar
DW: Tina Leigh
DS: Asher Malcolm
DD: Helena Genevieve
DS: James Patrick "J.P. or Jamie"
DD: Emilia Magdalene
DD: Reagan Abigail
LN: Pierce
DH: Gabriel Dante
DW: Emilia Celeste
DD: Lydia Winter
DS: Adrian Luka
DS: Wyatt Finn
DD: Luciana Eve
DS: Liam Anthony
LN: Wentworth
DH: Frederick Roman
DW: Anne Elizabeth
DS: Tristan Malachi
DS: Nathanael Robert
DD: Claire Emilia
DD: Sophie Eilis
DS: Griffin James
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Robert
DW: Arabella Catherine
DD: Lydia Hermione
DD: Imogen Anastasia
DS: Henry Phinehas
DD: Jemima Isis
DD: Beatrice Maeve
LN: Cain
DH: Larry Morgan
DW: Samantha Elizabeth
DS: Bradley Warwick
DD: Kate Lydia
DD: Wendy Vivian
DD: Ceres Eve
DS: Duncan Gregory
LN: Sawyer
DH: Edward John (36)
DW: Gabrielle Anna (33)
DD: Juliette Iris (8)
DD: Lucinda Lavender (5)
DS: Theodore Griffin "Theo" (3)
DD: Annabelle Hazel (1)
DD: Sophie Delilah (0)
LN: Warwick
DH: Abraham Tristan "Abe"
DW: Eve Nora "Evie"
DD: Lydia Mariana
Round 2 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=711752&board=game
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Rutherford
DH: Michael Yves
DW: Sara Louisa
DS: Simon Wolf
DS: Miles Abraham
DD: Iris Eve
DS: Leo Finn
DS: Eli Hugh
*** michal1234***
LN: Evans
DH: Seth
DW: Michal
DD: Aurora Kate "Rory"
DD: Lillian Emilia "Lilly"
DS: Jacob Zachariah "Jake"
DS: Adam Eli
DD: Eden Kate
***Miss Lissa***
LN: Shake
DH: Ralph Thomas Daniel
DW: Melissa Renee
DD: Juliana Kate "Ana"
DS: Sebastian Luka
DS: Declan Asher
DD: Bethany Ruth
DD: Lydia Anne
*** miss_smiley***
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS: Maximillian Adam Orlando "Max"
DD: Lenora Sophie Madeline
DS: Gabriel Demetrius Theodore
DS: Zachariah Kendal Alexander "Zach"
DD: Tallula Adeline Beatrice
LN: Faye
DH: Caspian Jonas
DW: Amethyst Skye
DD: Camille Rosaline
DS: Adam Gabriel Josiah
DD: Shae-fiona Arielle
DD: Lavinia-Adriana Eve
DS: William Blaze "Liam"
LN: Dawson
DH: Eric Christopher
DW: Katelyn Rochelle "Kate"
DD: Evangelina Chloe "Eva"
DS: Jeremy Kiernan "Kiernan"
DD: Isabel Adriana "Issi"
DS: Micah Wesley
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
LN: Beagle
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Vincent Charles "Vinny"
DD: Abigail Viola
DD: Rebecca Rosanna
DD: Lillian Vanessa "Lily"
DD: Imogen Lavender
*** rainbow_Maya***
LN: Sandwich
DH: George Earl
DW: Malaika Liane
DD: Ivy Titania
DD: Ruth Ophelia
Round 3 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=713921&board=game
Round 4 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=715427&board=game
Round 5 - http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=717206&board=game
***Sabrina Fair***
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Jackson Aubrey
DS: Sebastian Reed
DS: Forest Asher
DD: Iris Eden
DS: Archer Theodore
LN: McLeod
DH: Jay David
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Keziah Sheila
DD: Hazel Sky
DD: Catalina Aoife
DD: Adrienne Collette
DD: Delilah Rosaline
***sarah lee***
LN: Line
DH: George Peter
DW: Veronica Maye
DS: Patrick Stephen
DS: Warwick Samuel
DD: Beatrice Hermione
DD: Katherine Harmony "Kate"
DD: Phoebe Eleanor
LN: Stetson
DH: Albert James
DW: Mary Alice
DS: Timothy Wade
DS: Josiah Matthew
DD: Ruth Isabel
DS: Thomas Eli
DD: Eve Octavia
***Skye Morgan***
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurora Kate
DS: Lance Brennan
DD: Ruby Miranda
DS: Curtis Daniel
DD: Bianca Eve
LN: Scott
DM: Sophie Louise
DD: Bethany Maeve
DD: Teresa Lillian
DS: Jonathan Mark
DD: Madeline Sky
DS: Simon Christopher
LN: Richey
DH: Kyle James
DW: Marie Nicole
DS: Emerson Daniel
DS: Patrick Jacob
DS: Micah Sean
DS: Jackson Brody
DS: William Kieran
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Gillian Cassandra "Gilly"
DD: Vanessa Shea "Nessie"
DD: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
DS: Damian Wesley
DS: Matthew Ian "Matty"
LN: Ericson
DH: Lars Andreas
DW: Aria Nayeli
DD: Adeline Zipporah "Della"
DD: Eleanor Arielle "Nora"
DS: Orlando Benjamin "Orlie"
DD: Arielle Juniper "June"
DD: Hazel Meadow
***X Mar***
LN: Morgenster
DH: Lex Maximillian
DW: Evelyn Rosalie "Evie"
DS: Troy Lennox
DD: Eden Gwen "Edie"
DS: Shane Maximillian
DS: Griffin Sebastian "Griff"
DS: Reed Emerson
LN: Monaghan
DH: Michael Ian
DW: Linnea Rose
DS: Nathanael Ross "Nate"
DD: Celia Camille
DS: James Patrick
DD: Anna Katherine
DS: Liam Zachariah
“I have a separate stomach just for cake and ice-cream.” Milly Thompson (Trigun)
LN: Bucci
DH: Anthony Michael
DW: Gianna Antonia "Gia"
DD: Giovanna Claire
DS: Adam Richard
DS: Matthew Zacchariah 'Matt'
DD: Reagan Briar
DD: Maria Ember
DS: Griffin Alexander
Anthony and Gia
Giovanna, Adam, Matt, Reagan, Maria and Griffin Bucci.
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Robert
DW: Arabella Catherine
DD: Lydia Hermione
DD: Imogen Anastasia
DS: Henry Phinehas
DD: Jemima Isis
DD: Beatrice Maeve
DD: Miriam Athena
Thanks for hosting! It was a really great game.
LN: Barlow
DH: Thomas Robert
DW: Arabella Catherine
DD: Lydia Hermione
DD: Imogen Anastasia
DS: Henry Phinehas
DD: Jemima Isis
DD: Beatrice Maeve
DD: Miriam Athena
Thanks for hosting! It was a really great game.
LN: Ericson
DH: Lars Andreas
DW: Aria Nayeli
DD: Adeline Zipporah "Della"
DD: Eleanor Arielle "Nora"
DS: Orlando Benjamin "Orlie"
DD: Arielle Juniper "June"
DD: Hazel Meadow
DS: Jeremy Simon

LN: Ericson
DH: Lars Andreas
DW: Aria Nayeli
DD: Adeline Zipporah "Della"
DD: Eleanor Arielle "Nora"
DS: Orlando Benjamin "Orlie"
DD: Arielle Juniper "June"
DD: Hazel Meadow
DS: Jeremy Simon

Sorry, I had completely forgotten I was playing! But it was great fun, thanks!
*** rainbow_Maya***
LN: Sandwich
DH: George Earl
DW: Malaika Liane
DD: Ivy Titania
DD: Ruth Ophelia
DS: Murray Lewis Bertram
DS: Quinton Orion Teagan
DD: Phoebe Cordelia
DD: Hannah Augusta
George and Malaika with Ivy, Ruth, Murray, Quinton, Phoebe and Hannah.

*** rainbow_Maya***
LN: Sandwich
DH: George Earl
DW: Malaika Liane
DD: Ivy Titania
DD: Ruth Ophelia
DS: Murray Lewis Bertram
DS: Quinton Orion Teagan
DD: Phoebe Cordelia
DD: Hannah Augusta
George and Malaika with Ivy, Ruth, Murray, Quinton, Phoebe and Hannah.

This was a very nice game--good show. :)
LN: Vartan
DH: Edmond Gabriel (52)
DW: Evelyn Sophia "Eve" (46)
DS: Nathanael Arthur "Nat" (22)
DD: Hephzibah Ruby "Zibby" (19)
DS: Jonathan Grey "Jackie" (17)
DS: Gregory Calvin "Gregor" (14)
DS: Thaddeus Bertram "Tad" (10)
DD: Zipporah Ivy "Zippi" (0)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
LN: Vartan
DH: Edmond Gabriel (52)
DW: Evelyn Sophia "Eve" (46)
DS: Nathanael Arthur "Nat" (22)
DD: Hephzibah Ruby "Zibby" (19)
DS: Jonathan Grey "Jackie" (17)
DS: Gregory Calvin "Gregor" (14)
DS: Thaddeus Bertram "Tad" (10)
DD: Zipporah Ivy "Zippi" (0)
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
LN: Wentworth
DH: Frederick Roman
DW: Anne Elizabeth
DS: Tristan Malachi
DS: Nathanael Robert
DD: Claire Emilia
DD: Sophie Eilis
DS: Griffin James
DD: Juliana Eve
Thanks so much for a great game! :)
The Wentworth Family
Frederick & Anne
Tristan, Nathaniel, Claire, Sophie, Griffin & Juliana!
Do you like the name Kassia? (but I prefer Cassia)
Yes – You get a Girl!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Michelangelo – Choose first name from Namebank #4; middle name from Namebank #1

Josh Groban - "Awake" and "Weeping"!
LN: Wentworth
DH: Frederick Roman
DW: Anne Elizabeth
DS: Tristan Malachi
DS: Nathanael Robert
DD: Claire Emilia
DD: Sophie Eilis
DS: Griffin James
DD: Juliana Eve
Thanks so much for a great game! :)
The Wentworth Family
Frederick & Anne
Tristan, Nathaniel, Claire, Sophie, Griffin & Juliana!
Do you like the name Kassia? (but I prefer Cassia)
Yes – You get a Girl!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Michelangelo – Choose first name from Namebank #4; middle name from Namebank #1

Josh Groban - "Awake" and "Weeping"!
LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Briar Collette
DS: Teagan Malachi
DD: Shae Aurora
DS: Rory Lennox
DS: Tristan Cade
DD: Imogen Sky
Just something I made.

LN: Foster
DH: Caleb Ryan
DW: Jennifer Brielle
DD: Briar Collette
DS: Teagan Malachi
DD: Shae Aurora
DS: Rory Lennox
DS: Tristan Cade
DD: Imogen Sky
Just something I made.

LN: Cain
DH: Larry Morgan
DW: Samantha Elizabeth
DS: Bradley Warwick
DD: Kate Lydia
DD: Wendy Vivian
DD: Ceres Eve
DS: Duncan Gregory
DD: Anna Reagan

LN: Cain
DH: Larry Morgan
DW: Samantha Elizabeth
DS: Bradley Warwick
DD: Kate Lydia
DD: Wendy Vivian
DD: Ceres Eve
DS: Duncan Gregory
DD: Anna Reagan

LN: Huntley
DH: Deacon Michael
DW: Alexandra Selene
DD: Anastasia Iris
DD: Gretchen Maeve
DS: Gabriel Alexander
DD: Miranda Eve
DD: Arielle Jemima
DD: Emilia Winter
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
LN: Huntley
DH: Deacon Michael
DW: Alexandra Selene
DD: Anastasia Iris
DD: Gretchen Maeve
DS: Gabriel Alexander
DD: Miranda Eve
DD: Arielle Jemima
DD: Emilia Winter
But as she has grown, her smile has widened with a touch of fear and her glance has taken on depth. Now she is aware of some of the losses you incur by being here -- the extraordinary rent you have to pay as you stay.
Annie Dillard
Thanks for a brill game!
LN: Brennan
DH: Andrew James
DW: Lilia Marie
DD: Aurora Madeline
DS: Anthony George
DD: Erin Arielle
DD: Jennifer Ophelia
DS: Benjamin George
DS: Forest Kendall
In valley green or towering crag
Our fathers fought before us,
And conquered 'neath the same old flag
That's floating o'er us,
We're children of a fighting race
That never yet has known disgrace,
And as we march the foe to face!
LN: Brennan
DH: Andrew James
DW: Lilia Marie
DD: Aurora Madeline
DS: Anthony George
DD: Erin Arielle
DD: Jennifer Ophelia
DS: Benjamin George
DS: Forest Kendall
In valley green or towering crag
Our fathers fought before us,
And conquered 'neath the same old flag
That's floating o'er us,
We're children of a fighting race
That never yet has known disgrace,
And as we march the foe to face!
***Skye Morgan***
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurora Kate
DS: Lance Brennan
DD: Ruby Miranda
DS: Curtis Daniel
DD: Bianca Eve
DS: Kendall Simon
LN: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Aurora Kate
DS: Lance Brennan
DD: Ruby Miranda
DS: Curtis Daniel
DD: Bianca Eve
DS: Kendall Simon
LN: Rutherford
DH: Michael Yves
DW: Sara Louisa
DS: Simon Wolf
DS: Miles Abraham
DD: Iris Eve
DS: Leo Finn
DS: Eli Hugh
DS: Roland Jeremiah
Great game! Thanks!
LN: Rutherford
DH: Michael Yves
DW: Sara Louisa
DS: Simon Wolf
DS: Miles Abraham
DD: Iris Eve
DS: Leo Finn
DS: Eli Hugh
DS: Roland Jeremiah
Great game! Thanks!
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Jenna Iris
DS: John Samuel
DS: James Patrick
DD: Adriana Rebecca
DS: William Shane "Liam"
DS: Sean Jeremy
Jennifer Nicole

...Loving the Names...
Ariella Faith, Elisabeth Maria, Olivia Jasmine
Cade Preston, Grant Joseph, Jude Hamilton
LN: Thomas
DH: Samuel John "Sam"
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Jenna Iris
DS: John Samuel
DS: James Patrick
DD: Adriana Rebecca
DS: William Shane "Liam"
DS: Sean Jeremy

...Loving the Names...
Ariella Faith, Elisabeth Maria, Olivia Jasmine
Cade Preston, Grant Joseph, Jude Hamilton
I loved your game!
Do you like the name Kassia? Yes
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best? Antonio
LN: Jackson
DH: James Aaron
DW: Lisa Marie
DD: Ophelia Eve (15)
DS: Nico James (12)
DS: Damian Ruarc (11)
DD: Patience Lydia (8)
DD: Sarai Emilia (6)
DD: Talulla Vivian
James & Lisa,
Ophelia, Nico, Damian, Patience, Sarai, and Talulla.
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
Do you like the name Kassia? Yes
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best? Antonio
LN: Jackson
DH: James Aaron
DW: Lisa Marie
DD: Ophelia Eve (15)
DS: Nico James (12)
DS: Damian Ruarc (11)
DD: Patience Lydia (8)
DD: Sarai Emilia (6)
DD: Talulla Vivian
James & Lisa,
Ophelia, Nico, Damian, Patience, Sarai, and Talulla.
* Elle *
~ What we do in life echoes in eternity ~
LN: Hakimian
DH: Shawn Michael
DW: Rachel Leah
DD: Arielle Emilia "Ari"
DS: Matthew Ross
DD: Lily Isabel
DS: Nathan Miles
DS: Wesley Reed "Wes"
DS: Bryan Jude
LN: Jacoby
DH: Arabella Jade "Ari"
DW: Gregory Chance "Greg"
DD: Minerva Magdalene "Minnie"
DS: Adrian Leo
DS: Elliot Lennox
DD: Imogen Abigail Eve
DS: Luka Thaddeus Ezra
Minnie, Adrian, Elliot, Imogen and Luka are thrilled to announce the arrival of thier new little sister:
DD: Ruby Keturah Phoebe
Thank you for hosting! I got some great names :-)

LN: Jacoby
DH: Arabella Jade "Ari"
DW: Gregory Chance "Greg"
DD: Minerva Magdalene "Minnie"
DS: Adrian Leo
DS: Elliot Lennox
DD: Imogen Abigail Eve
DS: Luka Thaddeus Ezra
Minnie, Adrian, Elliot, Imogen and Luka are thrilled to announce the arrival of thier new little sister:
DD: Ruby Keturah Phoebe
Thank you for hosting! I got some great names :-)

*** michal1234***
LN: Evans
DH: Seth
DW: Michal
DD: Aurora Kate "Rory"
DD: Lillian Emilia "Lilly"
DS: Jacob Zachariah "Jake"
DS: Adam Eli
DD: Eden Kate
DD: Camille Renee "Cami"
LN: Evans
DH: Seth
DW: Michal
DD: Aurora Kate "Rory"
DD: Lillian Emilia "Lilly"
DS: Jacob Zachariah "Jake"
DS: Adam Eli
DD: Eden Kate
DD: Camille Renee "Cami"
LN: Colavita
DH: Mario Salvatore
DW: Rosina Celeste
DD: Anna Maeve
DS: Anthony John
DS: Adam James
DD: Giovanna Erin
DS: Alexander Timothy
DS: Christopher Patrick
Round 6 Rules
Please tell me your answers to the following questions!
Do you like the name Kassia? - No
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?- Giovanni
LN: Colavita
DH: Mario Salvatore
DW: Rosina Celeste
DD: Anna Maeve
DS: Anthony John
DS: Adam James
DD: Giovanna Erin
DS: Alexander Timothy
DS: Christopher Patrick
Round 6 Rules
Please tell me your answers to the following questions!
Do you like the name Kassia? - No
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?- Giovanni
Do you like the name Kassia?
Yes – You get a Girl
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Antonio – Choose first name from Namebank #2; middle name from Namebank #5
LN: Pierce
DH: Gabriel Dante
DW: Emilia Celeste
DD: Lydia Winter
DS: Adrian Luka
DS: Wyatt Finn
DD: Luciana Eve
DS: Liam Anthony
DD: Nora Collette
The Pierce's
Gabriel and Emilia
Lydia, Adrian, Wyatt, Luciana, Liam, and Nora :)
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
Yes – You get a Girl
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Antonio – Choose first name from Namebank #2; middle name from Namebank #5
LN: Pierce
DH: Gabriel Dante
DW: Emilia Celeste
DD: Lydia Winter
DS: Adrian Luka
DS: Wyatt Finn
DD: Luciana Eve
DS: Liam Anthony
DD: Nora Collette
The Pierce's
Gabriel and Emilia
Lydia, Adrian, Wyatt, Luciana, Liam, and Nora :)
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra
LN: Monaghan
DH: Michael Ian
DW: Linnea Rose
DS: Nathanael Ross "Nate"
DD: Celia Camille
DS: James Patrick
DD: Anna Katherine
DS: Liam Zachariah
DS: Lance Kieran
Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Giovanni – Choose first name from Namebank #6; middle name from Namebank #2
LN: Monaghan
DH: Michael Ian
DW: Linnea Rose
DS: Nathanael Ross "Nate"
DD: Celia Camille
DS: James Patrick
DD: Anna Katherine
DS: Liam Zachariah
DS: Lance Kieran
Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Giovanni – Choose first name from Namebank #6; middle name from Namebank #2
Round 6 Rules
I don't like Kassia
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
LN: Madden
DH: Mary Elizabeth
DW: James Andrew
DD: Ophelia Eve "Lia"
DD: Adrienne Iris "Adri"
DS: Kieran Gabriel "Kir"
DS: Theodore Alexander "Theo"
DD: Hermione Isabel "Mione"
DS: Jack Adam Daniel "James Junior" (because he looke likes his dad;)
I don't like Kassia
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
LN: Madden
DH: Mary Elizabeth
DW: James Andrew
DD: Ophelia Eve "Lia"
DD: Adrienne Iris "Adri"
DS: Kieran Gabriel "Kir"
DS: Theodore Alexander "Theo"
DD: Hermione Isabel "Mione"
DS: Jack Adam Daniel "James Junior" (because he looke likes his dad;)
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Gillian Cassandra "Gilly"
DD: Vanessa Shea "Nessie"
DD: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
DS: Damian Wesley
DS: Matthew Ian "Matty"
DS: Alexander Tristan "Xander"
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Christopher Jacob
DW: Summer Jeanna
DD: Gillian Cassandra "Gilly"
DD: Vanessa Shea "Nessie"
DD: Evelyn Irene "Evie"
DS: Damian Wesley
DS: Matthew Ian "Matty"
DS: Alexander Tristan "Xander"
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
***Sabrina Fair***
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Jackson Aubrey
DS: Sebastian Reed
DS: Forest Asher
DD: Iris Eden
DS: Archer Theodore
DS: Shadrach Josiah
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
LN: Myers
DH: Anthony Alexander
DW: Sabrina Ann
DS: Jackson Aubrey
DS: Sebastian Reed
DS: Forest Asher
DD: Iris Eden
DS: Archer Theodore
DS: Shadrach Josiah
Thanks for hosting!
***X Mar***
LN: Morgenster
DH: Lex Maximillian
DW: Evelyn Rosalie "Evie"
DS: Troy Lennox
DD: Eden Gwen "Edie"
DS: Shane Maximillian
DS: Griffin Sebastian "Griff"
DS: Reed Emerson
DS: Leo Damian

***X Mar***
LN: Morgenster
DH: Lex Maximillian
DW: Evelyn Rosalie "Evie"
DS: Troy Lennox
DD: Eden Gwen "Edie"
DS: Shane Maximillian
DS: Griffin Sebastian "Griff"
DS: Reed Emerson
DS: Leo Damian

Thanks for the game!
Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
***sarah lee***
LN: Line
DH: George Peter
DW: Veronica Maye
DS: Patrick Stephen
DS: Warwick Samuel
DD: Beatrice Hermione
DD: Katherine Harmony "Kate"
DD: Phoebe Eleanor
DS: Wesley Simon

Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Vincent - Choose first name from Namebank #5; middle name from Namebank #4
***sarah lee***
LN: Line
DH: George Peter
DW: Veronica Maye
DS: Patrick Stephen
DS: Warwick Samuel
DD: Beatrice Hermione
DD: Katherine Harmony "Kate"
DD: Phoebe Eleanor
DS: Wesley Simon

Thanks, that was fun :-D
LN: McLeod
DH: Jay David
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Keziah Sheila
DD: Hazel Sky
DD: Catalina Aoife
DD: Adrienne Collette
DD: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Asher Damian
LN: McLeod
DH: Jay David
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DD: Keziah Sheila
DD: Hazel Sky
DD: Catalina Aoife
DD: Adrienne Collette
DD: Delilah Rosaline
DS: Asher Damian
Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
LN: Anderson
DH: Matthew James
DW: Susannah Grace
DD: Lydia Patience
DS: Christopher Josiah
DS: Alexander Charles
DD: Katherine Harmony
DD: Anne Deborah
DS: Josiah Theodore
Thanks for hosting! This was fun.
Loving Theodore Elliott and Chava Louise!
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
LN: Anderson
DH: Matthew James
DW: Susannah Grace
DD: Lydia Patience
DS: Christopher Josiah
DS: Alexander Charles
DD: Katherine Harmony
DD: Anne Deborah
DS: Josiah Theodore
Thanks for hosting! This was fun.
LN: Baker
DH: Robert Thomas "Bobby"
DW: Marina Josephine "Mari"
DS: Jeremiah Shane
DS: Stephen Patrick
DS: Matthew Kieran
DD: Rebecca Katherine
DD: Claire Harmony
DS: Nathanael Micah "Nate"
The Baker Family
Bobby and Mari
Jeremiah, Stephen, Matthew, Rebecca, Claire, and Nate.
Thanks very much for hosting!
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
LN: Baker
DH: Robert Thomas "Bobby"
DW: Marina Josephine "Mari"
DS: Jeremiah Shane
DS: Stephen Patrick
DS: Matthew Kieran
DD: Rebecca Katherine
DD: Claire Harmony
DS: Nathanael Micah "Nate"
The Baker Family
Bobby and Mari
Jeremiah, Stephen, Matthew, Rebecca, Claire, and Nate.
Thanks very much for hosting!
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
LN: Huard
DH: Jay Thomas
DW: Regan Marie
DS: Alec John
DS: Charles Declan "Charlie"
DS: James Kieran "Jamie"
DD: Isabel Meredith
DS: Liam Joshua
DS: Finn Stephen
Do you like the name Kassia? no
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best? Antonio
LN: Huard
DH: Jay Thomas
DW: Regan Marie
DS: Alec John
DS: Charles Declan "Charlie"
DS: James Kieran "Jamie"
DD: Isabel Meredith
DS: Liam Joshua
DS: Finn Stephen
Do you like the name Kassia? no
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best? Antonio
Do you like the name Kassia?
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Pierre – Choose first name from Namebank #3; middle name from Namebank #6
LN: Scott
DM: Sophie Louise
DD: Bethany Maeve
DD: Teresa Lillian
DS: Jonathan Mark
DD: Madeline Sky
DS: Simon Christopher
DS: Matthew Ross
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
No – You get a Boy!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Pierre – Choose first name from Namebank #3; middle name from Namebank #6
LN: Scott
DM: Sophie Louise
DD: Bethany Maeve
DD: Teresa Lillian
DS: Jonathan Mark
DD: Madeline Sky
DS: Simon Christopher
DS: Matthew Ross
S xx
The truth is, I have met the right person, only he's not in love with me, and until I stop loving him no-one else stands a chance
(Four Weddings and a Funeral)
LN: Beagle
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Vincent Charles "Vinny"
DD: Abigail Viola
DD: Rebecca Rosanna
DD: Lillian Vanessa "Lily"
DD: Imogen Lavender
DD: Susanna Juliette
Yes. I like Kassia. (I feel bad for poor Vinny, only guy (other than his dad) in the house)
EEK! You got me on the 2nd question, I like all of those names! I'm goinmg to say... Michelangelo
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
LN: Beagle
DH: Kenneth Elijah
DW: Josephine Liliana
DS: Vincent Charles "Vinny"
DD: Abigail Viola
DD: Rebecca Rosanna
DD: Lillian Vanessa "Lily"
DD: Imogen Lavender
DD: Susanna Juliette
Yes. I like Kassia. (I feel bad for poor Vinny, only guy (other than his dad) in the house)
EEK! You got me on the 2nd question, I like all of those names! I'm goinmg to say... Michelangelo
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Kassia - No
*** miss_smiley***
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS: Maximillian Adam Orlando "Max"
DD: Lenora Sophie Madeline
DS: Gabriel Demetrius Theodore
DS: Zachariah Kendal Alexander "Zach"
DD: Tallula Adeline Beatrice
DS: Ethan Josef Micah
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
*** miss_smiley***
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elise Matilda
DS: Maximillian Adam Orlando "Max"
DD: Lenora Sophie Madeline
DS: Gabriel Demetrius Theodore
DS: Zachariah Kendal Alexander "Zach"
DD: Tallula Adeline Beatrice
DS: Ethan Josef Micah
Siggy Congrats Game...
--Brandon & Elise--
Our beautiful twins, Tallulah and Noah, have arrived :)
**Brandon & Elise**
Our gorgeous triplets, Zac, Lallie and Evie, join big brother, Noah, big sisters, Chloe and Tiara and Xander the dog :)
LN: Winchester
DH: Remus Bartholomew Fawkes
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Maximilian Hugh "Maxim"
DD: Lucinda Maeve
DS: Emmanuel Tristan "Emma"
DS: Declan Sebastian
DS: Phineas Edmund "Phin"
DS: Broderick Gideon "Brody"
I loved this game :)
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~

Visit my space!
LN: Winchester
DH: Remus Bartholomew Fawkes
DW: Rebecca Simone
DS: Maximilian Hugh "Maxim"
DD: Lucinda Maeve
DS: Emmanuel Tristan "Emma"
DS: Declan Sebastian
DS: Phineas Edmund "Phin"
DS: Broderick Gideon "Brody"
I loved this game :)
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~

Visit my space!
My own...
Do you like the name Kassia?
Yes – You get a Girl!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
LN: Donnelly
DH: William Edward "Liam"
DW: Aliya Pearl
DD: Meredith Susanna "Merry"
DS: Arthur Mathias “Art”
DS: Calvin Ruarc "Cal"
DD: Eve Madeline
DD: Gwen Winter
DD: Dominique Ophelia "Dom"
“I have a separate stomach just for cake and ice-cream.” Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Do you like the name Kassia?
Yes – You get a Girl!
Which “Painters and Sculptors” name do you like best?
Raphael – Choose first name from Namebank #1; middle name from Namebank #3
LN: Donnelly
DH: William Edward "Liam"
DW: Aliya Pearl
DD: Meredith Susanna "Merry"
DS: Arthur Mathias “Art”
DS: Calvin Ruarc "Cal"
DD: Eve Madeline
DD: Gwen Winter
DD: Dominique Ophelia "Dom"
“I have a separate stomach just for cake and ice-cream.” Milly Thompson (Trigun)
This message was edited 11/19/2006, 1:38 PM