[Opinions] Texas BA's Part 2
For most of these names I'd love to know what some of these parents were thinking when they came up with them.
America- No.
Avery Jayde- Hate it.
Briseis Alexandra- FN I hate, Alexandra I really like.
Emerald- Don't like.
Emerald SherVonne- No, no, no.
Hope Caroline- Hate the combo. Caroline is better pairs with something else.
Kivley Nolly- This reminds me of spelling errors that should have been Kinley Molly.
Phoenix- Cute but more so for a boy.
Saige- No.
Serenity Rose- No.
Tierney Rayne No, no, no.
Amycus Machaon- What the heck?!
Angel Julian- I hate Angel, but Julian is okay.
Cruz- Hate it.
Cutter Jo- Horrible
Haven Kayde- I'll pass.
Justice- Sounds like a girl.
Montgomery James- It flows together.
Stonewall- To Civil War sounding to me.

America- No.
Avery Jayde- Hate it.
Briseis Alexandra- FN I hate, Alexandra I really like.
Emerald- Don't like.
Emerald SherVonne- No, no, no.
Hope Caroline- Hate the combo. Caroline is better pairs with something else.
Kivley Nolly- This reminds me of spelling errors that should have been Kinley Molly.
Phoenix- Cute but more so for a boy.
Saige- No.
Serenity Rose- No.
Tierney Rayne No, no, no.
Amycus Machaon- What the heck?!
Angel Julian- I hate Angel, but Julian is okay.
Cruz- Hate it.
Cutter Jo- Horrible
Haven Kayde- I'll pass.
Justice- Sounds like a girl.
Montgomery James- It flows together.
Stonewall- To Civil War sounding to me.

This message was edited 11/14/2006, 3:30 PM
I dislike all the girl combos, but out of the boy names I kind of like Amycus Machaon (Amycus! Now there's an interesting name you don't see around too often!), and I absolutely adore Angel Julian and Montgomery James.
Does anyone else think that Cutter Jo sounds like someone's prison alias? "And there's Cutter Jo - sliced a man's throat with a spatula."
Does anyone else think that Cutter Jo sounds like someone's prison alias? "And there's Cutter Jo - sliced a man's throat with a spatula."
ROFL at "Cutter Jo" :b