[Opinions] Re: Lately I love Hebrew names...WDYT?
in reply to a message by Julia
Aliza (ah-LEE-zah, not like Eliza)- It has a pretty sound, but it's nms.
Amira-NMSAA, sorry.
Ari (boy)-I LOVE this.
Avi-See Ari.
Asa (AH-sah)-I like it, it's interesting, but I would be tempted to say Ay-Suh.
Asher-Strongly dislike this, sorry.
Chanah-Love this, but prefer Hana spelling.
Eli-Love it, but only as a nn for Elijah.
Eliana-NMSAA, sorry.
Elijah-I LOVE it!
Eliora-Pretty, but nms.
Elisheva-Nms, sorry
Ezra-Ditto above.
Ilana-Love it, but prefer Alannah spelling. (You prn. the names diff., sorry about that.)
Livnat / Livna-Nms sorry, it makes me think of "Liver".
Malachi-I like it, it's not one of my favorites, but it's nice, and Chi, prn. Ky, makes a nice nn, IMO.
Naomi-This has never really done much for me.
Noa (girl)-I STRONGLY prefer it spelled Noah, and for a boy.
Reina / Rayna-I love it!
Talia (TAH-lee-ah)-One of my absolute fave girl's names!
Tamar (tah-MAHR)-It's cool, but it sounds too much like Lamar, a name I strongly dislike.
Tova / Tovah-Meh, I could take it or leave it.
Yonah-It's okay.
Yonatan-Love it!

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
Amira-NMSAA, sorry.
Ari (boy)-I LOVE this.
Avi-See Ari.
Asa (AH-sah)-I like it, it's interesting, but I would be tempted to say Ay-Suh.
Asher-Strongly dislike this, sorry.
Chanah-Love this, but prefer Hana spelling.
Eli-Love it, but only as a nn for Elijah.
Eliana-NMSAA, sorry.
Elijah-I LOVE it!
Eliora-Pretty, but nms.
Elisheva-Nms, sorry
Ezra-Ditto above.
Ilana-Love it, but prefer Alannah spelling. (You prn. the names diff., sorry about that.)
Livnat / Livna-Nms sorry, it makes me think of "Liver".
Malachi-I like it, it's not one of my favorites, but it's nice, and Chi, prn. Ky, makes a nice nn, IMO.
Naomi-This has never really done much for me.
Noa (girl)-I STRONGLY prefer it spelled Noah, and for a boy.
Reina / Rayna-I love it!
Talia (TAH-lee-ah)-One of my absolute fave girl's names!
Tamar (tah-MAHR)-It's cool, but it sounds too much like Lamar, a name I strongly dislike.
Tova / Tovah-Meh, I could take it or leave it.
Yonah-It's okay.
Yonatan-Love it!

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong