[Opinions] Baylor for a boy?
Baylor is one of my absolute favorites, though my DH doesn't like it. Plus, there is a large university with this name in my state... But I don't know if that would deter me. It's great!

I sort of like it [M]
I prefer Bailor, and possibly more for a girl.
"a boy's best friend is his mother" - Norman Bates in Psycho
I prefer Bailor, and possibly more for a girl.
THAT'S it!
I couldn't remember where I'd heard Baylor before. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY! Thank you. That was driving me insane.
I couldn't remember where I'd heard Baylor before. BAYLOR UNIVERSITY! Thank you. That was driving me insane.
I used to like it spelled Bailor. I dont know how I feel about it now, since I used to like it, I dont loathe it. I think its one of those I wouldnt mind seeing on somone elses kid. NN Bay is cute.
I find it intensely ugly.
Array (thinks Bay could be a neat middle name for either sex, if the fn was chosen carefully)
Array (thinks Bay could be a neat middle name for either sex, if the fn was chosen carefully)
Jaylor, sure? Jaylor, no way. It looks and sounds like jailor.
You have a point, but Baylor shouldn't be a child's name.
I agree. Baylor would be better than Jaylor, imo (and the bailer is better than the jailer? :b)


Jaylor seems just awful to me, like Prison Guard Wilson.

nmsaa, its very odd, and imo doesnt have a nice sound to it sorry