[Opinions] Victoria
WDYTO this name? Any combo suggestions?

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong

Nobody sings a love song quite like you do
And nobody else can make me sing along
Nobody else can make me feel
That things are right when I know they're wrong
Victoria Grace
Victoria Ann
Favorite Girl Names:
Favorite Boys names
R. I.P. Steve Irwin! You will be missed!
Victoria Ann
Favorite Girl Names:
Favorite Boys names
R. I.P. Steve Irwin! You will be missed!
I absolutely Detest this name it is horrible it is my number 1 name i hate
Sean H
Sean H
I'm generally a big fan of classics and this would certainly qualify as such, but it's never appealed to me. It's always seemed harsh and disagreeable.


It's a beautiful name. I love the combo Victoria Elizabeth. It's very classy imo.
i love it.
Future Mommy to: River , Cairo, Charlotte , Bindi
I love Victoria!
Victoria Scarlett
Victoria Charlotte
Victoria Ivy
Victoria Ruby
Victoria Hope
Victoria Belle
Victoria Scarlett
Victoria Charlotte
Victoria Ivy
Victoria Ruby
Victoria Hope
Victoria Belle
Vicotira's okay, not a favorite of mine but I do like it. Some combos:
Victoria Allison
Victoria Blair
Victoria Cherie
Victoria Dawn
Victoria Ellen
Victoria Faye
Victoria Grace (Grace as a middle name is getting pretty tired now)
Victoria Hope
Victoria Ivy
Victoria Justine
Victoria Kathleen
Victoria Lee
Victoria Michelle
Victoria Noelle
Victoria Paige
Victoria Rose
Victoria Suzanne
Victoria Willow?
Victoria Allison
Victoria Blair
Victoria Cherie
Victoria Dawn
Victoria Ellen
Victoria Faye
Victoria Grace (Grace as a middle name is getting pretty tired now)
Victoria Hope
Victoria Ivy
Victoria Justine
Victoria Kathleen
Victoria Lee
Victoria Michelle
Victoria Noelle
Victoria Paige
Victoria Rose
Victoria Suzanne
Victoria Willow?
I love it. I think it's so pretty. I think it makes a really nice mn too. Unfortunately, at the moment the only mns I have for Victoria are really boring...
Victoria is classic and royal (our crown princess is named Victoria).
I would pair it with a short and soft mn:
Victoria Mae, Victoria Lynn, Victoria Fay, Victoria Joy, Victoria June, Victoria Jane, Victoria Belle, Victoria Blanche, Victoria Maud, Victoria Louise, Victoria Lucille, Victoria Michelle, Victoria Suzanne, Victoria Simone, Victoria Elise
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
I would pair it with a short and soft mn:
Victoria Mae, Victoria Lynn, Victoria Fay, Victoria Joy, Victoria June, Victoria Jane, Victoria Belle, Victoria Blanche, Victoria Maud, Victoria Louise, Victoria Lucille, Victoria Michelle, Victoria Suzanne, Victoria Simone, Victoria Elise
- She said he made a racial slur!
- Racial? She is Swedish!
- Maybe he called her Meatball.
"I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I’ve decided to be spontaneous."
I like it alot.
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
♥ Kristen ♥
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥