[Opinions] Re: Some BA's
in reply to a message by Carby7
Romélie (ro-meh-LEE) - I love this, but with the accented e, I'd have assumed the prn was ro-MEY-lee
Lila (lee-LA) - it's nice, but I'd have a hard time getting used to that prn as I have a great-aunt Lila who prn her name LYE-la
Lina (lee-NA) - wow, we accent opposite syllables, huh? I think I like lee-NA better than LEE-na :o)
Léa (lay-a) - lovely, but maybe a bit too Star Wars sounding for me
Maëlle (ma-EL) - gorgeous *steals name*
Fien (FEEN) (it's a dutch name and it's short for Josefien) - this is cute. I'd not use it as a full name, but I'd defintely use it as a nn
Adam (French prn) - tres bien (sorry, too lazy to put in an accent)
Mathis - ooh, nice
Arnaud - love this
Louis - LOO-ee, right? Much prefer to Lewis. :o)
Antoine - always thought this sounded very romantic
Martin (French prn) - I prefer the French prn to this, too.
Grégoire (greh-GWAR) - sexy sounding, lol.

Romélie (ro-meh-LEE) - I love this, but with the accented e, I'd have assumed the prn was ro-MEY-lee
Lila (lee-LA) - it's nice, but I'd have a hard time getting used to that prn as I have a great-aunt Lila who prn her name LYE-la
Lina (lee-NA) - wow, we accent opposite syllables, huh? I think I like lee-NA better than LEE-na :o)
Léa (lay-a) - lovely, but maybe a bit too Star Wars sounding for me
Maëlle (ma-EL) - gorgeous *steals name*
Fien (FEEN) (it's a dutch name and it's short for Josefien) - this is cute. I'd not use it as a full name, but I'd defintely use it as a nn
Adam (French prn) - tres bien (sorry, too lazy to put in an accent)
Mathis - ooh, nice
Arnaud - love this
Louis - LOO-ee, right? Much prefer to Lewis. :o)
Antoine - always thought this sounded very romantic
Martin (French prn) - I prefer the French prn to this, too.
Grégoire (greh-GWAR) - sexy sounding, lol.