[Opinions] Finnegan
Hi. I posted on here a few times a couple of months ago about some names for our first. Initially, we were just considering names we thought were cool, and then we thought about ways to use family names. Now, as the day gets closer, we are in between these two trains of thought. Anyway, one boy name that has come back up, simply because we really like it (it is not a family name) is Finnegan, nn: Finn.
So, first, what do you think of this name? We think it is fun and different without being too much; and I like using the full, Finnegan, so he has that option when he is older. I think a Finnegan could get taken seriously as a grown man, but what do you think?
Secondly, what are some sibling names you think would go well with Finnegan? I would love to hear some suggestions. And do you think any of the other names we like go well with it - why or why not? Thanks!!
So, first, what do you think of this name? We think it is fun and different without being too much; and I like using the full, Finnegan, so he has that option when he is older. I think a Finnegan could get taken seriously as a grown man, but what do you think?
Secondly, what are some sibling names you think would go well with Finnegan? I would love to hear some suggestions. And do you think any of the other names we like go well with it - why or why not? Thanks!!
Meh ...
If anything, the name Finnegan will grow with him too well. "Finn" names are so trendy right now that his age will be given away ... making his name hip when he's a toddler, and stodgy when he's older (think Norman).
If anything, the name Finnegan will grow with him too well. "Finn" names are so trendy right now that his age will be given away ... making his name hip when he's a toddler, and stodgy when he's older (think Norman).
I like Finnegan quite a bit, though I slightly prefer just Finn (or Finlay, also with the nn Finn).
I also like Adelaide, Eleanor, Margot, Henry, and Isaac and they all would 'fit' wonderfully as siblings to Finnegan.
Other suggestions for siblings:

I also like Adelaide, Eleanor, Margot, Henry, and Isaac and they all would 'fit' wonderfully as siblings to Finnegan.
Other suggestions for siblings:

"There was an old man named Michael Finnegan..."
"He grew whiskers on his chin-e-gan..." is the first thing I think of. While I really like the nn Finn, I'd suggest you use Finlay or Phineas, myself. But, if you love it, then you should use it.
edited for spelling

"He grew whiskers on his chin-e-gan..." is the first thing I think of. While I really like the nn Finn, I'd suggest you use Finlay or Phineas, myself. But, if you love it, then you should use it.
edited for spelling

This message was edited 9/27/2006, 9:58 AM
I am not familiar with this little ditty. Do you think I could find it on the internet somewhere?? I'll look - thanks for the heads up.
All I did was type in part of the first verse into Google and came up with this page: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/lyrics/finnegan.htm
It has the lyrics and instrumental clip of the music.

All I did was type in part of the first verse into Google and came up with this page: http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/lyrics/finnegan.htm
It has the lyrics and instrumental clip of the music.

I adore the name Finnegan, it's very quirky and sounds great without being weird or trendy. Love it! Of your sibling names, I definitely think Adelaide, Eleanor, Scarlett, Henry, Jackson, and Isaac go fabulously. I'd love to see a Finnegan and Adelaide or a Finnegan and Eleanor.
Take what you need while there's time
The city will be earth in a short while
If I'm not mistaken it's been in flames
You and I will escape to the seaside.The Hush Sound - Lighthouse
I love Finnegan. Finnegan or Finlay nn Finn is one of my favourites (along with Harrison, Kiefer, Rowan, & Shepherd).
Adelaide - its okay, not quite my style.
Eleanor - love it, especially with the nn Ellie. I think Ellie & Finn would be wonderful siblings.
Margot - very nice, underused.
Madeline - nice, but overused.
Scarlett - this is one of my favourites (along with Ava, Grace, Emma, & Isabelle) so clearly I think it works with Finn.
Henry - very nice, if I didn't love Harrison as much this name would be a definite possibility.
Jackson - nice, if overused. I like it as a middle name.
Isaac - meh, I prefer Elijah.
Sawyer - not sure, it fits my usual style but its not a favourite by any stretch.
Adelaide - its okay, not quite my style.
Eleanor - love it, especially with the nn Ellie. I think Ellie & Finn would be wonderful siblings.
Margot - very nice, underused.
Madeline - nice, but overused.
Scarlett - this is one of my favourites (along with Ava, Grace, Emma, & Isabelle) so clearly I think it works with Finn.
Henry - very nice, if I didn't love Harrison as much this name would be a definite possibility.
Jackson - nice, if overused. I like it as a middle name.
Isaac - meh, I prefer Elijah.
Sawyer - not sure, it fits my usual style but its not a favourite by any stretch.
I think Finnegan's a pretty comical name, to tell you the truth, i.e. not one that I could really take serious. Finn is a nice name, but is getting very trendy among the trend-setting types, it seems. And personally, I prefer using surnames as first names only when the surname comes from the family.
As for sibling names, I like Finnegan (Finn) & Eleanor or Finnegan (Finn) & Jackson. I would not use Sawyer with Finn because of the overwhelming Mark Twain association.
As for sibling names, I like Finnegan (Finn) & Eleanor or Finnegan (Finn) & Jackson. I would not use Sawyer with Finn because of the overwhelming Mark Twain association.
Finnegan is a surname to me, not a fn. If Finnegan is a family surname for you, then it would be very cool to see the heritage handed down. If not, then I would steer clear of the trendy, other-people's-surname fad.
Personally, I think Finn is a kick a$$ name in its own right. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fionn_mac_Cumhail Just think how much fun it would be to read him stories of his namesake Finn McCool at bed time.
But if you want a longer formal name, then there are plety of bona fide Fin- names to choose from: Fintan, Finan (Fionan), Fingal, Finbarr. I can give you more information on any of these if you wish.
Finn is catching on as a fn in Ireland, by the way. I just visited my cousin with kids in school over there.
I love all of your girl names, except Scarlett. I'm trying to like this name, but the theme from Gone with the Wind drowns out any other thoughts. Cheesy romance novel heroine is all I can think of. (I loved the book and still love watching the movie. I just can't take the name Scarlett seriously for a real person.)
For the boy's, I love Henry and Isaac. As for trendy Sawyer and especially Jackson, see my comments on Finnegan above. One note, would you really want a (Huck) Finn and a (Tom) Sawyer under one roof?
Personally, I think Finn is a kick a$$ name in its own right. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fionn_mac_Cumhail Just think how much fun it would be to read him stories of his namesake Finn McCool at bed time.
But if you want a longer formal name, then there are plety of bona fide Fin- names to choose from: Fintan, Finan (Fionan), Fingal, Finbarr. I can give you more information on any of these if you wish.
Finn is catching on as a fn in Ireland, by the way. I just visited my cousin with kids in school over there.
I love all of your girl names, except Scarlett. I'm trying to like this name, but the theme from Gone with the Wind drowns out any other thoughts. Cheesy romance novel heroine is all I can think of. (I loved the book and still love watching the movie. I just can't take the name Scarlett seriously for a real person.)
For the boy's, I love Henry and Isaac. As for trendy Sawyer and especially Jackson, see my comments on Finnegan above. One note, would you really want a (Huck) Finn and a (Tom) Sawyer under one roof?
Finnegan is great! I think its quite handsome.
What about:
Eleanor, Finnegan, Adelaide & Henry
Other wise:
Eleanor, Finnegan, Adelaide & Eamonn
Eleanor, Finnegan, Isobel & Alasdair
Eleanor, Finnegan, Maeve & Hamish
Eleanor & Finnegan go really well together :)
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~
Damien Leith the Irish God of Music for Aussie Idol!

What about:
Eleanor, Finnegan, Adelaide & Henry
Other wise:
Eleanor, Finnegan, Adelaide & Eamonn
Eleanor, Finnegan, Isobel & Alasdair
Eleanor, Finnegan, Maeve & Hamish
Eleanor & Finnegan go really well together :)
~*~*~ BeX ~*~*~
Damien Leith the Irish God of Music for Aussie Idol!