[Opinions] Solon or Sol
It looks like Colon to me, but looks like it would be pronounce Salon. Just overall not very appealing to me.
no. +
Solon is a commonly used noun generally meaning "statesman" or "pundit" ... this should give you some idea of the images it conjures:
Synonyms: auger, bookworm, brain, cereb, cognoscenti, egghead, expert, grind, grub, guru, intellectual, ivory dome, learned man, maestro, maven, pencil geek, philosopher, prof, savant, scholar, solon, spider, teach, thinker, tool
Source:Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus (thesaurus.com)
And as you can see it is coded "old man" ("ivory dome"). Definitely not a good name for a woman. LOL I think I've heard "solons" used to facetiously refer to the members of the US Senate.
- mirfak

Solon is a commonly used noun generally meaning "statesman" or "pundit" ... this should give you some idea of the images it conjures:
Synonyms: auger, bookworm, brain, cereb, cognoscenti, egghead, expert, grind, grub, guru, intellectual, ivory dome, learned man, maestro, maven, pencil geek, philosopher, prof, savant, scholar, solon, spider, teach, thinker, tool
Source:Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus (thesaurus.com)
And as you can see it is coded "old man" ("ivory dome"). Definitely not a good name for a woman. LOL I think I've heard "solons" used to facetiously refer to the members of the US Senate.
- mirfak

This message was edited 9/10/2006, 8:37 AM
Not feminine at all to me, I'm afraid--I think Solon is realy cool for a boy, though I personally prefer Solomon. I love the nickname Sol for either sex (for Solomon or Solveig, and I'd say it ZAHL either way--I don't like SOLE as well). It could stand on its own as a first name, but it's not one I'd choose.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I need the smell of summer--
I need its noises in my ears.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.