[Games] Congrats Banyon Family!
in reply to a message by Shelby
Congradulations Shelby, Joshua, Kaia, Rylan, Jesse & Taryn! We found you Quints from the USA and a boy from England!
Kayleigh Ribekka, Kaytlyn Mareigh, Keysha Emmileigh, Kayseigh Alixandruh, and Keyvuh Holleigh are quints. They are 1 year old, and their mother loved making up spellings & matching names. They all are very happy babies.
Pictures Aged to 12 years old.
![elouai's doll maker 3](http://elouai.com/doll-makers/link-doll.php?&sex=girl&background=0000&elements=0000&wings=0000&base=0001&boystockings=0000&boyshoes=0323&boyskirt=0455&boytop=0464&boytwopiece=-024&girlstockings=0000&girlshoes=0560&girlskirt=0383&girltop=0566&girltwopiece=0000&head=0060&mouth=0110&nose=0052&eyebrows=0051&eyes=0118&face=0000&makeup=0000&earings=0000&glasses=0000&hair=0772&scarf=0000&boyfullbody=0000&girlfullbody=0000&hat=0000&accessory1=0000&pets1=0000&pets2=0000&accessory2=0000&cover=0000&namedoll=Keyvuh)
Jack Thomas is 10 years old & from England. He loves sports, expecially football (soccer). He also loves young children, and cant wait to meet Kaia, Rylan, Jesse & Taryn.
![elouai's doll maker 3](http://elouai.com/doll-makers/link-doll.php?&sex=boy&background=0000&elements=0000&wings=0000&base=0001&boystockings=0000&boyshoes=0323&boyskirt=0456&boytop=0455&boytwopiece=0000&girlstockings=0000&girlshoes=0560&girlskirt=0383&girltop=0566&girltwopiece=0000&head=0060&mouth=0110&nose=0052&eyebrows=0051&eyes=0118&face=0000&makeup=0000&earings=0000&glasses=0000&hair=1110&scarf=0000&boyfullbody=0000&girlfullbody=0000&hat=0000&accessory1=0000&pets1=0000&pets2=0000&accessory2=0000&cover=0000&namedoll=Jack)
We would love to know how they do!
This is my resting spot
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free
Kayleigh Ribekka, Kaytlyn Mareigh, Keysha Emmileigh, Kayseigh Alixandruh, and Keyvuh Holleigh are quints. They are 1 year old, and their mother loved making up spellings & matching names. They all are very happy babies.
Pictures Aged to 12 years old.
Jack Thomas is 10 years old & from England. He loves sports, expecially football (soccer). He also loves young children, and cant wait to meet Kaia, Rylan, Jesse & Taryn.
We would love to know how they do!
I can let myself breathe
I may not be perfect
But at least I am free