[Games] Re: Rachel's Adoption Agency
in reply to a message by Rachel
The Basics
Surname: Dolan
Your name & Age: Josephine Sylvia (21)
Spouses Name & Age: Casimir Wolfe (31)
Children's Names & Ages: Augustus Rowan (3) and Lucian Osiris (1)
Pets: none
Location: London, England
The Child
Number of children you want to adopt: (max: 6) 3
Prefered Gender: Female
Preffered Ages: Eight and under
Country: Turkey, France, Germany
Yes or No
Siblings (excluding multiples): No
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quads: No
More?: No
With a pet?: Yes
Teen Parent: No
Pregnant Teen: No
Please put 'no', 'mild', or 'severe', or 'any'
Social: Severe
Mental: No
Physical: Mild
Learning: No
Emotional: Severe
Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
Surname: Dolan
Your name & Age: Josephine Sylvia (21)
Spouses Name & Age: Casimir Wolfe (31)
Children's Names & Ages: Augustus Rowan (3) and Lucian Osiris (1)
Pets: none
Location: London, England
The Child
Number of children you want to adopt: (max: 6) 3
Prefered Gender: Female
Preffered Ages: Eight and under
Country: Turkey, France, Germany
Yes or No
Siblings (excluding multiples): No
Twins: Yes
Triplets: No
Quads: No
More?: No
With a pet?: Yes
Teen Parent: No
Pregnant Teen: No
Please put 'no', 'mild', or 'severe', or 'any'
Social: Severe
Mental: No
Physical: Mild
Learning: No
Emotional: Severe
Dad: I know what the Loch Ness monster is. I done figured it out by myself!
Brother: Okay, then, what is it?
Dad: It's an elephant.
Congrats Dolan Family!
Crangrats Josephine, Casimir, Augustus & Lucian!
Aurelie Valentine is 5 years old. She is from France. Her parents abused he and she has lots of bruises and scars. Aurelie loves playing with other children her age.

Sybilla Anke is 8 years old and from Germany. Sybilla loves learning new things. She has a three pets, two cats and a dog. They are named Elias (cat), Emilie (cat) and Erich (dog).

Havva Esin Yeter is 2 years old. Havva is from Turkey. Havva is very shy, and it make take a while for her to warm up to you. She enjoys coloring. She also enjoys running around and playing 'tag'.
Crangrats Josephine, Casimir, Augustus & Lucian!
Aurelie Valentine is 5 years old. She is from France. Her parents abused he and she has lots of bruises and scars. Aurelie loves playing with other children her age.
Sybilla Anke is 8 years old and from Germany. Sybilla loves learning new things. She has a three pets, two cats and a dog. They are named Elias (cat), Emilie (cat) and Erich (dog).
Havva Esin Yeter is 2 years old. Havva is from Turkey. Havva is very shy, and it make take a while for her to warm up to you. She enjoys coloring. She also enjoys running around and playing 'tag'.