[Opinions] Re: Andon or Adam?
Adam because I don't like the repeated An- sound with Andon and Annabel.Wow, super literary names - Juliet and Annabel Lee! Love Annabel. Edited for links

Wit has truth in it; wisecracking is simply calisthenics with words.

This message was edited 9/8/2006, 9:19 PM

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Andon or Adam?  ·  Melilot  ·  9/8/2006, 8:44 PM
Re: Andon or Adam?  ·  Isla  ·  9/9/2006, 2:23 PM
Go with Adam! (nt)  ·  DLB  ·  9/9/2006, 2:18 PM
Adam, unless the kid's Bulgarian. nt  ·  Miranda  ·  9/9/2006, 3:47 AM
Adam. Annabel & Adam sound great. nt.  ·  Pink Princess  ·  9/9/2006, 12:04 AM
Adam (m)  ·  adriatika  ·  9/8/2006, 10:52 PM
Re: Andon or Adam?  ·  Elena  ·  9/8/2006, 9:57 PM
Re: Andon or Adam?  ·  Aine  ·  9/8/2006, 9:53 PM
Adam  ·  iris  ·  9/8/2006, 9:31 PM
Re: Andon or Adam?  ·  Adelle  ·  9/8/2006, 9:19 PM
Andon Grey! BTW, Annabel Lee is so pretty (m)  ·  Stephanie Anne  ·  9/8/2006, 9:12 PM
Re: Andon or Adam?  ·  Ciarda  ·  9/8/2006, 8:52 PM
Adam. NT  ·  Eliz  ·  9/8/2006, 8:46 PM