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[Facts] A Female Version
Is there a female version of the Welsh name Elwyn?
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Where I live, there's a radio presenter called Elwen, so it does exist as a name, though I don't know if she's of Welsh descent.
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A general rule of thumb in Welsh is that male names are spelled with Y's and female names are spelled with E's. The simple, but maybe not so legit way to make the name female is to simple replace the Y with an E. This goes for many Welsh names.
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If Elwyn's derived from Welsh, then Elwen would almost certainly be the female form.If derived from the Old English, the Latinate Elwyna would be the closest fem. version, but you'd probably want to use the spelling Elwina. Another choice would be Elvina.
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This site sais Elwyn is derived from Elwin and that is derived from the old English name Ælfwine. Alvin is derived from Ælfwine as well.
Alvena, Alvina, Elvina and Vena are derived from Alvin, but I think you can see them as female versions of Elwyn as well (since they are all derived from Ælfwine).
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