[Opinions] Nigel
I really love the name Nigel, though I fear I could never use it here in Australia because everyone would call him Nigel No Friends (A nigel here is a term for someone who doesn't have friends / is a loner etc.)
But I do find it so handsome!
1. Do you think Nigel could work as a name?
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel
3. MN's for Nigel?
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius
Nigel Ambrose
Nigel Barnaby
Nigel Phineas
Nigel, Constance & Angus
Nigel, Rupert & Eleanor
Nigel, Conrad & Lilian

Snape, Sexy and Dangerous!
But I do find it so handsome!
1. Do you think Nigel could work as a name?
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel
3. MN's for Nigel?
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius
Nigel Ambrose
Nigel Barnaby
Nigel Phineas
Nigel, Constance & Angus
Nigel, Rupert & Eleanor
Nigel, Conrad & Lilian

Snape, Sexy and Dangerous!
Nigel is very nice. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, mostly because of a favorite character on a tv show that I like.
1. Do you think Nigel could work as a name? Yes, I do.
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel. I think of Miles / Milo & Jasper for some reason.
3. MN's for Nigel?
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius - Great! Love it.
Nigel Ambrose - Nice
Nigel Barnaby - Nms
Nigel Phineas - Very nice.
Nigel, Constance & Angus - Nmsaa
Nigel, Rupert & Eleanor - Great!
Nigel, Conrad & Lilian - Nice!

1. Do you think Nigel could work as a name? Yes, I do.
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel. I think of Miles / Milo & Jasper for some reason.
3. MN's for Nigel?
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius - Great! Love it.
Nigel Ambrose - Nice
Nigel Barnaby - Nms
Nigel Phineas - Very nice.
Nigel, Constance & Angus - Nmsaa
Nigel, Rupert & Eleanor - Great!
Nigel, Conrad & Lilian - Nice!

I live in the U.S. and I'd never heard of the Nigel No Friends thing. :-/ I guess I'm out of the loop, lol. But if it's likely to be teased, I personally wouldn't use it as a fn. I do like it, but it does sound a bit stuffy. I've only seen a couple of Nigels here in the States, the most recent was an African-American newscaster in North Carolina I saw on tv when I was there on vacation last year.
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?" - Ernest Gaines
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace" - Jimi Hendrix
You could move to Victoria, most of them don't know Nigel... as long as you don't like Scott. Because for some it's "Scott No Friends".
I don't like Nigel. Though I've known one Nigel and he was friendly and outgoing. I just don't like the sound.
Nigel and:
Of yours:
Nigel Ambrose - I didn't see that when I suggested Ambrose as a brother.
Nigel, Lilian and Angus.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
I don't like Nigel. Though I've known one Nigel and he was friendly and outgoing. I just don't like the sound.
Nigel and:
Of yours:
Nigel Ambrose - I didn't see that when I suggested Ambrose as a brother.
Nigel, Lilian and Angus.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
I think it is unusable here
I don't personally like the name as it is, but naming a child Nigel in Australia would seriously be bordering on child cruelty. Going through school, the chances are that most kids will be called a nigel at some point or another, and can you imagine how often they would get it if it was actually their name? Also the reason that nigel became slang for a loner is because Nigel is stereotypically a 'nerdy' and weird name and stereotypes like that wouldn't make for an easy adjustment.
If you really like it maybe use it as a mn like Amias Nigel, Ambrose Nigel or Conrad Nigel.
I don't personally like the name as it is, but naming a child Nigel in Australia would seriously be bordering on child cruelty. Going through school, the chances are that most kids will be called a nigel at some point or another, and can you imagine how often they would get it if it was actually their name? Also the reason that nigel became slang for a loner is because Nigel is stereotypically a 'nerdy' and weird name and stereotypes like that wouldn't make for an easy adjustment.
If you really like it maybe use it as a mn like Amias Nigel, Ambrose Nigel or Conrad Nigel.
1. Do you think Nigel could work as a name? Yes, but maybe not in Australia after you explained what it means there... I found it to be really common when I was in England and met quite a few good-looking Nigel's there :-) And in America I've never met one Nigel - the only American Nigel I can think of is Frasier's brother from the TV show! I think in America it's percieved as very British and a little bit aristocratic. I like it though.
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel? Hm, Charlotte, Louisa, Emma, Simon, Rupert, Henry... and any name that has a "British" feel to it.
3. MN's for Nigel? Soooo many, so how about I just comment on what you've got :-)
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius - I like it. I know an Ignacio (he's Mexican) that goes by Nacho and I quite like him so both names give me good feelings lol.
Nigel Ambrose - I don't like Ambrose but I don't think it works well with Nigel anyway. The whole combo seems very hoity-toity, imo.
Nigel Barnaby - I like this combo a lot. I used to hate the name Barnaby until I read The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper and it really grew on me and I now I find it adorable.
Nigel Phineas - I like Nigel Finn or Nigel Finlay better but Phineas is good too. It's a little bit of a mouthful.
2. What would be some good Siblings for Nigel? Hm, Charlotte, Louisa, Emma, Simon, Rupert, Henry... and any name that has a "British" feel to it.
3. MN's for Nigel? Soooo many, so how about I just comment on what you've got :-)
Mine are:
Nigel Ignatius - I like it. I know an Ignacio (he's Mexican) that goes by Nacho and I quite like him so both names give me good feelings lol.
Nigel Ambrose - I don't like Ambrose but I don't think it works well with Nigel anyway. The whole combo seems very hoity-toity, imo.
Nigel Barnaby - I like this combo a lot. I used to hate the name Barnaby until I read The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper and it really grew on me and I now I find it adorable.
Nigel Phineas - I like Nigel Finn or Nigel Finlay better but Phineas is good too. It's a little bit of a mouthful.