[Games] Re: Cedar Ridge Adoption Center
in reply to a message by estel
Your Family
Last Name: McNamara
Your Name + Age: Karen Elisabeth (42)
Your Spouse's Name + Age: Donovan Cian (44)
Your Children + Ages:
DS: Damien Nioclas (17)
DD: Liberty Lean (16)
DD/DD: Claudia Fiona / Clemency Eireann (11)
Your Pets: None
Special Info About Your Family: We all speak both English and Irish.
Child Preferences
How many children do you want to adopt?: Any amount
Would you be willing to adopt...
Twins?: No
Triplets?: No
Quadruplets?: No
Sibsets?: No
Mentally Disabled Children?: No
Emotionally Disabled Children?: Yes
Physically Disabled Children?: Yes
Teenage Mothers?: No
Children with Pets?: No
Children who don't speak English?: Yes
What age range of children do you prefer?: 7-14
What gender do you prefer?: Either
Which country/countries do you want to adopt from?: Any
Any other preferences or information?: No
Last Name: McNamara
Your Name + Age: Karen Elisabeth (42)
Your Spouse's Name + Age: Donovan Cian (44)
Your Children + Ages:
DS: Damien Nioclas (17)
DD: Liberty Lean (16)
DD/DD: Claudia Fiona / Clemency Eireann (11)
Your Pets: None
Special Info About Your Family: We all speak both English and Irish.
Child Preferences
How many children do you want to adopt?: Any amount
Would you be willing to adopt...
Twins?: No
Triplets?: No
Quadruplets?: No
Sibsets?: No
Mentally Disabled Children?: No
Emotionally Disabled Children?: Yes
Physically Disabled Children?: Yes
Teenage Mothers?: No
Children with Pets?: No
Children who don't speak English?: Yes
What age range of children do you prefer?: 7-14
What gender do you prefer?: Either
Which country/countries do you want to adopt from?: Any
Any other preferences or information?: No
Dear McNamara Family!
We have found two children for you! Svetlana Yekaterina is a thirteen year old girl from Russia. Svetlana is a great help around the house and knows many domestic chores. She would like to try some new sports and activities and especially wants to have a sleepover birthday party. Zachary James "Zach" is a thirteen year old boy from England. He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of six, but takes medications to help him concentrate. Zach likes to move around and joining a sports team is highly recommended for him. We have enclosed current pictures of your children. We hope you enjoy them!
Cedar Ridge Adoption Center
Svetlana (age 13)
![elouai's doll maker 3](http://elouai.com/doll-makers/link-doll.php?&sex=girl&background=0000&elements=0000&wings=0000&base=0001&boystockings=0000&boyshoes=0325&boyskirt=0477&boytop=0132&boytwopiece=0000&girlstockings=0000&girlshoes=0094&girlskirt=0141&girltop=0050&girltwopiece=0000&head=0004&mouth=0072&nose=0051&eyebrows=0051&eyes=0114&face=0000&makeup=0000&earings=0000&glasses=0000&hair=0426&scarf=0000&boyfullbody=0000&girlfullbody=0000&hat=0000&accessory1=0000&pets1=0000&pets2=0000&accessory2=0000&cover=0000&namedoll=)
Zach (age 13)
![elouai's doll maker 3](http://elouai.com/doll-makers/link-doll.php?&sex=boy&background=0000&elements=0000&wings=0000&base=0001&boystockings=0000&boyshoes=0325&boyskirt=0477&boytop=0132&boytwopiece=0000&girlstockings=0000&girlshoes=0421&girlskirt=0141&girltop=0295&girltwopiece=0011&head=0004&mouth=0126&nose=0051&eyebrows=0053&eyes=0113&face=0000&makeup=0000&earings=0000&glasses=0000&hair=1119&scarf=0000&boyfullbody=0000&girlfullbody=0000&hat=0000&accessory1=0000&pets1=0000&pets2=0000&accessory2=0000&cover=0000&namedoll=)
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
Dear McNamara Family!
We have found two children for you! Svetlana Yekaterina is a thirteen year old girl from Russia. Svetlana is a great help around the house and knows many domestic chores. She would like to try some new sports and activities and especially wants to have a sleepover birthday party. Zachary James "Zach" is a thirteen year old boy from England. He was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of six, but takes medications to help him concentrate. Zach likes to move around and joining a sports team is highly recommended for him. We have enclosed current pictures of your children. We hope you enjoy them!
Cedar Ridge Adoption Center
Svetlana (age 13)
Zach (age 13)
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya