[Facts] meaning of the name abilash
hey folks and friends,
i need to know the meaning of the name abilash.
Its a male name and i think the ethnic backgroud is indian !
if any one could help me in it, it would be of great help.
Thanks in advance..
Expectin your response,
i need to know the meaning of the name abilash.
Its a male name and i think the ethnic backgroud is indian !
if any one could help me in it, it would be of great help.
Thanks in advance..
Expectin your response,
My guess would be it is a mispronouniciation of abhilAS, the voiced aspirated series of consonants being difficult for Europeans/Americans to pronounce. The prefix abhi- is old with Indoeuropean cognates, and has a meaning of towards, whereas laS means to desire. abhi in this context intensifies the meaning, and abhilASa is therefore a desire. The ending unstressed schwa -a is dropped in many Indian languages today.