[Games] Re: Create a school... 2nd grade:
in reply to a message by Keepskuh
Henderson 2nd Grade:
14 children: 8 boys, 6 girls.
Miss Caterina Mireia Paget *Kate*
Kirsten Carina Anderson
Matt Driscoll Bull
Julianna Hayleigh Downes *Julie*
Brooke Kilie Edwards
John Maddox Farrell *Jack*
Anton August Grimm
Brandt Roderic Macey
Derrick Robert Nelson *Rick*
Ashlynn Maia Rudabaugh
Tyson Jalen Rudabaugh *Ty*
Melia Carlota Slater *Leah*
Edward Kenneth Standish
Madeline Jessamine Standish *Maddie*
Stephen Simon Wheaton

Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
14 children: 8 boys, 6 girls.
Miss Caterina Mireia Paget *Kate*
Kirsten Carina Anderson
Matt Driscoll Bull
Julianna Hayleigh Downes *Julie*
Brooke Kilie Edwards
John Maddox Farrell *Jack*
Anton August Grimm
Brandt Roderic Macey
Derrick Robert Nelson *Rick*
Ashlynn Maia Rudabaugh
Tyson Jalen Rudabaugh *Ty*
Melia Carlota Slater *Leah*
Edward Kenneth Standish
Madeline Jessamine Standish *Maddie*
Stephen Simon Wheaton
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer