[Facts] Re: How important are initials?
in reply to a message by Deb
I think you're ok with ELF. just stay away from HAG or something derrogatory like that...
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How important are initials?  ·  Deb  ·  5/8/2001, 8:26 PM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  JR  ·  5/9/2001, 1:14 PM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  JR  ·  5/9/2001, 1:14 PM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  Deb  ·  5/9/2001, 10:36 AM
Tolkien people would love initials like that  ·  Selwyn  ·  5/9/2001, 9:15 AM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  Gia Nadine  ·  5/9/2001, 8:51 AM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  Nanaea  ·  5/9/2001, 6:51 AM
Re: How important are initials?  ·  Dana  ·  5/8/2001, 8:31 PM