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[Games] Re: Nickname Game
Come up with unusual or rare nicknames for1. Theodore - Odo
2. Nicholas - Cole
3. Dominic - Domino
4. Fredrick - Fizz
5. Anthony - Andy
6. Melisa - Bee
7. Annamaria - Aria
8. Isabella - Babette
9. Abigail - Bibi
10. Kathleen - Kit1. Jack - Hyacinth
2. Ted - Tancred
3. Will - Willoughby
4. Alex - Alexios
5. Danny - Sheridan
6. Ellie - Etheldreda
7. Callie - Caledonia
8. Ana - Anatolia
9. Leigh - Leighla
10. Kris - Krishna
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Fizz for Frederick is so cute. Omg
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