[Opinions] Twins Juno and Hera
I came across the pair on Reddit. Thoughts?
They seem too samey since they refer to practically the same goddess.
I love it!!
I like them more individually than I do together.
I'm not a fan of Juno, but I like Hera
I find them disconcerting: long ago I read about conjoined twin girls who only lived for a very short time, during which their mother named them something like Mary-Anne and Anne-Marie, and of course I can see why, but I still found it jarring, as if they could never have been individuals if they'd lived.
Individually they're great, and they do go together really well. But it does come across that the parents didn't bother to do any research, which is a pet peeve of mine (as a name and myth nerd). There are also other options that could work nicely with one or the other (Lyra or Clio/Cleo in place of Hera, for example).
I like the names separately, but I agree that together they're strange. Still, there are worse names to have. I just prefer twins having separate names and not being 'matching sets'.
A very curious pair. It feels either ignorant or obsessive - like, either the parents are super focused on this one goddess in particular, OR, they don't actually care about mythology. Overall it kind of gives me the feeling of hollow mainstream New Age consumerism. They are nice names but together they have a strange effect.
The mom wanted 'goddess' names and wasn't too fussed about the mythology. It feels like she wants to be cool and give her daughter 'strong names.'
The mom wanted 'goddess' names and wasn't too fussed about the mythology. It feels like she wants to be cool and give her daughter 'strong names.'
I can’t get past the fact that they refer to the same goddess. It’s hokey.
Really pretty, and both names work well together.
I like it a lot. A bit odd to see a Greek and a Roman mythology name combined, but the pair is well balanced with two 4 letter names with all different vowels.