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[Opinions] Re: What is the most unique name you have ever come across?
What in the heck kind of name is that?


It is a creative rebus-like spelling of an intensive form of the word "tiny" which occurred in the Deep South of the USA in the late 19th and early 20th century. Most Americans would have heard the terms "teeny-tiny" and "teensy-weensy". In Texas and the Deep South, another word with the same meaning was "teeninecy", which had many different spellings. "T9C" is a form of that word which became a name in Texas in the late 19th century. It was quite rare but there have been more than one instance of it in Texas and the Deep South. Several years ago I found an obituary online of a woman born in Maryland who was named T9C. The obituary stated that the name had been suggested to her parents by a Baptist minister from Texas.