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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #552
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec]: Jacob Austen Cartwright
DW [dec]: June Celia Cartwright, née AshworthDD1 [62]: Audrey Madeline Cartwright
DS1 [60]: Julian Austen James CartwrightJacob & June Celia; Audrey and Julian~~~~~DD1 [Audrey, 62]:*ExH [62]: Paul Jonathan SigourneyDD [34]: Sophia Alexandra SigourneyDS [28]: Micah Paulson Sigourney
- DW [28]: Rosalinda Paulina Meléndez
- DS [3]: Tallon Orinoco Sigourney Meléndez
- DS/DS [1]: Poe Federico Sigourney Meléndez & Ulices Eduardo Sigourney Meléndez Audrey & Paul; Sophia and Micah
Micah & Rosalinda; Tallon and Poe & Ulices*DW [62]: Vivian Demetria Cartwright, née GoodknightAudrey & Vivian~~~~~DS1 [Julian, 60]:*SO [57]: Beaufort Delancey "Beau" Kullberg
{SO'sDW [dec]: Etelka Király}SO'sDS [33]: Justin Delancey Kullberg
- DW [32]: Catherine Elizabeth "Kitty" Kullberg, née Smythe
- DD [11]: Gabriella Estelle "Elle" Kullberg
- DD [10]: Margaret Rosalie "Daisy" Kullberg
- DS/DD [7]: James Delancey "Jamie" Kullberg & Matilda Imogene "Tilly" Kullberg
- DD [1]: Birdie Elizabeth Ottilie KullbergJulian & Beau
Beau & Etelka; Justin
Justin & Kitty; Elle, Daisy, Jamie & Tilly, and BirdieLISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
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