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[Opinions] Alpha
I don’t know why but Alpha has been stuck in my head. Of course I would never use it, but as a guilty pleasure. Girl or boy? I was thinking boy but it charted for girls more in the early days.


I can only associate Alpha with the letter, the sort of meme it is on the internet right now, and gen alpha.
Big yikes. The modern connotations feel really inappropriate for its use as a name. Sibling name Beta? Big no.
Way too many Alpha references - Alpha male, Alphabet, Alpha Centauri, etc. At the other end of the Greek alpha (there it is again) bet is Omega. I knew a girl named Omega who went by Mega. Nice alternative to Olivia.
I can’t get past it just being a letter of the Greek alphabet.
At the moment it just sounds like Andrew Tate's alpha male nonsense.Aphra is pretty. I like Al on a boy. Alastair?
"At the moment it just sounds like Andrew Tate's alpha male nonsense"This exactly! Once someone misheard my child's name (and didn't know whether I had a daughter or a son at that point) and thought I said "Alpha". I was baffled she thought it was possible I had a child named Alpha. I immediately thought how alpha-male crazy you'd have to be to bestow that on a boy.
I don't like it, I can only think of the Greek letter. It's over-the-top.
If you were to use it as a boy name, and if this mythical child had a sister, and if you named her Elizabeth, then imagine the effect of standing in the kitchen doorway at meal times and calling them: "Alpha, Bet, supper!"