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[Opinions] June
What do we think of June? I think it's really sweet. I like Junie too.What about Juniper?


I like both June and Juniper.
I've never enjoyed the mooing vowel in June; not fond of Luke either. Junie and Juniper are just more of the same.
I like it, I prefer it to June.
I like June. Prefer June over Juniper, but both are nice
I think June is very pretty. Next to April, it's my favorite month name. Junie is cute for a nn.
Juniper is sickly cute.
Junie B. Jones, the children's book character, is pretty bratty and obnoxious. Her full name is Juniper Beatrice Jones.
I like June! It’s very cute and sunshine-y. Juniper feels trendy, it fits right in with the other nature names.
I love June!I used to prefer Juniper as a "full" name for June, but now I just like June. Juniper feels a bit try-hard now.