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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #552
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Thomas JacobTom” Cartwright
DW [dec] June Celia Harmon-Cartwright
Tom & June: Olivia and John DD [62] Olivia Madeline Cartwright
DS [60] John Jacob Theodore Cartwright
DD [62] Olivia Cartwright
ExH [62] Robert PaulRob” O’Connor
Rob & Olivia: Alexandra and Wesley DD [34] Alexandra SophiaAllie” O’Connor DS [28] Wesley RobertWes” O’Connor
- DW [28] Paulina Teresa Melendez-O’Connor
Wes & Paulina: Vincent and Oliver-- DS1 [3] Vincent Nathaniel O’Connor
-- DS2 [1] Oliver Eduardo O’Connor
DW [62] Vivian Saunders
DS [60] John Cartwright
SO [57] Joseph DavidJoe” Kroeze
{SO’s DW [dec] Noémi Zachar}
Joe & Noemi: KonstantinSO’s DS [33] Konstantin DavidKosta” Kroeze
- DW [32] Catherine ElizabethCate” Flick-Kroeze
Kosta & Cate: Rosalie, James, and Matilda -- DD1 [10] Rosalie Margaret Kroeze
-- DS/DD2 [7] James David Kroeze / Matilda Leonora Kroeze /

This message was edited 3/6/2025, 8:28 PM

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