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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #552
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Austen Alexander Cartwright
DW [dec] Celia June [Harmon] CartwrightDD [62] Audrey Therese Cartwright
DS [60] Adam Alexander Darcy CartwrightAusten Cartwright and Celia June Cartwright (nee Celia June Harmon) with Audrey Cartwright and Adam Cartwright~~~~~~~~~~DD [62] Audrey Therese Cartwright*ExH [62] Louis Scott SigourneyDD [34] Haley Megan SigourneyDS [28] Tobin Lou Sigourney
- DW [28] Anselma Teresa [De Armas Armestoy] Sigourney
-- DS1 [3] Tallon Orinoco Sigourney De Armas
-- DS2/DS3 [1] Poe Emmanuel Sigourney De Armas/Maxon Ulices Sigourney De Armas*DW [62] Demetria MaryJo "MaryJo" Fleury
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