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[Games] Re: Generation CAF #552
in reply to a message by Uilos
DH [dec] Abner Lorin Vann
DW [dec] Celia Lynn HarmonDD [62] Vanessa Therese Vann
DS [60] John Lorin Abel Vann~~~~~~~~~~DD [62] Vanessa Therese Vann *ExH [62] Robert George “Bob” SigourneyDD [34] Sophia Alexandra “Sophie” SigourneyDS [28] Lyle Robertson Sigourney
- DW [28] Paulina Marisol Amestoy
-- DS1 [3] Nicolás Orinoco “Nico” Sigourney Amestoy
-- DS2/DS3 [1] Federico Poe “Fede” Sigourney Amestoy & Timoteo Draper “Teo” Sigourney Amestoy*DW [62] Eileen MaryJo Fleury ~~~~~DS [60] John Lorin Abel Vann*SO [57] David Beaufort Kroeze
{SO’s DW [dec] Kinga Király}SO’s DS [33] Brandon Beaufort Kroeze
- DW [32] Sabrina Camille Flick
-- DD1 [11] Macy Kinga Kroeze
-- DD2 [10] Kaia Patricia Kroeze
-- DS/DD3 [7] James Beaufort Kroeze & Thea Jacqueline Kroeze
-- DD4 [1] Birdie Camille Lucinda Kroeze
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