[Games] LadyBug's Congrats Round 3! -- Reminder!
This is for those who haven't yet done Round 3! They are:
Bea109 , Eleanora, enlatiah , Grace , LexyRose , LIMEGREEN, Magdalene , miss_smiley , Samantha-Michelle , Stacia, The Fairy Princess
Links to previous Rounds-
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=547227&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=553424&board=game
RULES for Round 3:
Below are two lists, Virtue Names and My Favorites List. You must use one name from each list to form a combo. It doesn't matter which is the first name and which is the middle name just so long as you choose at least one name from each list.
Example: I might choose Constance from the Virtue Names list, then I must choose a name from My Favorites List: Amelia. Now it will be up to me to decide weather I want the combo to be Constance Amelia or Amelia Constance. I hope that makes sense!
~~Virtue Names (you choose gender of name)~~
Admire Adore Amity Angel Beautiful Beauty Blessing Bliss Blithe / Blythe Bonny Brave Bravery Bright Caprice Chance Charity Chastity Cheerful Cherish Chivalry Christian Clarity Clemency Clement Clementine Comfort Compassion Constance Courage Creed Darling Dawn Delight Deliverance Desire Destiny Diligence Divine Earnest Endurance Essence Excellence Faith Faithful Felicity Fidelity Forgiveness Freedom Friend Gallant Gentle Gentleness Giving Glad Gladness Glory Good Goodness Grace Graceful Grant Handsome Happy Harmony Heart Heaven
Heavenly Helpfulness Heritage Hero Honest Honesty Honor / Honour Hope
Humble Humbleness Increase Independence Innocence Integrity Journey
Jovial Joy Jubilee Just Justice Kindness Kindred Legacy Liberty Life Light Love Loyalty Lucky Meekness Melody Memory Mercy Merit Merrily Merry Miracle Modesty Noble Obedience Patience Patriot Peace
Peregrine Pilgrim Pleasant Power Praise Precious Pretty Promise Prosper Prudence Purity Reason Redeemed Regent Rejoice Remembrance Resolve Righteousness Serena Serendipity Serene Serenity Sincerity Sojourner Spirit Strength Strong Temperance Thankful Thankfulness Treasure Trinity True Truly Trust Truth Truthful Truthfulness Understanding Unique Unity Valiant Valor Verity Victor Victory Virginia Virtue Welcome Wisdom Zeal
~~My Favorites List~~
Abigail Amelia Amy Anna Arabella Ariana Aurelia Beatrice Catherine Celia Claire Eleanor Elena Eliza Elizabeth Emma Eloise Fiona Florence Frances Helena Hope Isabella Jane Jocelyn Joyce Julia Lena Lillias Lizzie Lucy Lydia Margot Marjorie Marlena Mary Noelle Pearl Phoebe Rosalie Ruth Sophia Susannah Viola
Aidan Alec Allen Andrew Archie Charlie Christian Ciaran Cole Colin Dominic Douglas Elias Ewan Geer Henry Jack James Josiah Kenneth Laurence Matteson Max Michael Miles Nathan Owen Oliver Pearce Porter Sebastian Simon Silas Skander Soren Spencer Stone Stuart Theodore Thomas Tristan William
~~~Those who missed Round 3~~~
Username: Bea109
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: China
DH: Daniel Patrick
DW: Kate Rose
DD: [please use Round 1 rules]
DS: [please use Round 2 rules]
DD: [please use Round 3 rules]
~ (T) Round 3 of 8
LN: England
DH: Ezra Dara
DW: Kateri Lily
DD: Liadan Skye
DS/DS: Valentin Gabriel / Magnus Julian
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Saint Lucia
DH: Jonah Aiden
DW: Kallista Dahlia
DS: Rory Callum
DS: Albin Joshua
~ Round 3 of 5
LN: Salvador
DH: Aaron Finley
DW: Kiersten Lily
DD: Scarlet Jade
DD: Thea Alexandra
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Ireland
DH: Gideon Seamus
DW: Katarina Hyacinth
DS: Rowan Nicholas
DD: Anja Jade
Round 3 of 8
LN: Puga
DH: Farrel Anthony
DW: Kristine Dawn
DS: Red Harnish
DD: [please use Round 2 rules]
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Israel
DH: Alphaeus Conan
DW: Kasia Rose
DS: [Please use Round 1 rules]
DD: [Please use Round 2 rules]
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: England
DH: Noah Kieran
DW: Kira Lily
DS: Rory Marcus Ethan
DD: Freja Chloe Sophia
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Asia
DH: Israel Caisel
DW: Katrina Rose
DS: Phoenix Jayden
DD: Cajsa Nicole
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Mozambique
DH: Raphael Angus
DW: Kendra Linnea
DS: Rowan James
DS: [Please use Round 2 rules]
The Fairy Princess
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Cyprus
DH: Isaias Killian
DW: Kallea Violet
DD: Violet Grace
DS: Finn Tyler

Bea109 , Eleanora, enlatiah , Grace , LexyRose , LIMEGREEN, Magdalene , miss_smiley , Samantha-Michelle , Stacia, The Fairy Princess
Links to previous Rounds-
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=547227&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=553424&board=game
RULES for Round 3:
Below are two lists, Virtue Names and My Favorites List. You must use one name from each list to form a combo. It doesn't matter which is the first name and which is the middle name just so long as you choose at least one name from each list.
Example: I might choose Constance from the Virtue Names list, then I must choose a name from My Favorites List: Amelia. Now it will be up to me to decide weather I want the combo to be Constance Amelia or Amelia Constance. I hope that makes sense!
~~Virtue Names (you choose gender of name)~~
Admire Adore Amity Angel Beautiful Beauty Blessing Bliss Blithe / Blythe Bonny Brave Bravery Bright Caprice Chance Charity Chastity Cheerful Cherish Chivalry Christian Clarity Clemency Clement Clementine Comfort Compassion Constance Courage Creed Darling Dawn Delight Deliverance Desire Destiny Diligence Divine Earnest Endurance Essence Excellence Faith Faithful Felicity Fidelity Forgiveness Freedom Friend Gallant Gentle Gentleness Giving Glad Gladness Glory Good Goodness Grace Graceful Grant Handsome Happy Harmony Heart Heaven
Heavenly Helpfulness Heritage Hero Honest Honesty Honor / Honour Hope
Humble Humbleness Increase Independence Innocence Integrity Journey
Jovial Joy Jubilee Just Justice Kindness Kindred Legacy Liberty Life Light Love Loyalty Lucky Meekness Melody Memory Mercy Merit Merrily Merry Miracle Modesty Noble Obedience Patience Patriot Peace
Peregrine Pilgrim Pleasant Power Praise Precious Pretty Promise Prosper Prudence Purity Reason Redeemed Regent Rejoice Remembrance Resolve Righteousness Serena Serendipity Serene Serenity Sincerity Sojourner Spirit Strength Strong Temperance Thankful Thankfulness Treasure Trinity True Truly Trust Truth Truthful Truthfulness Understanding Unique Unity Valiant Valor Verity Victor Victory Virginia Virtue Welcome Wisdom Zeal
~~My Favorites List~~
Abigail Amelia Amy Anna Arabella Ariana Aurelia Beatrice Catherine Celia Claire Eleanor Elena Eliza Elizabeth Emma Eloise Fiona Florence Frances Helena Hope Isabella Jane Jocelyn Joyce Julia Lena Lillias Lizzie Lucy Lydia Margot Marjorie Marlena Mary Noelle Pearl Phoebe Rosalie Ruth Sophia Susannah Viola
Aidan Alec Allen Andrew Archie Charlie Christian Ciaran Cole Colin Dominic Douglas Elias Ewan Geer Henry Jack James Josiah Kenneth Laurence Matteson Max Michael Miles Nathan Owen Oliver Pearce Porter Sebastian Simon Silas Skander Soren Spencer Stone Stuart Theodore Thomas Tristan William
~~~Those who missed Round 3~~~
Username: Bea109
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: China
DH: Daniel Patrick
DW: Kate Rose
DD: [please use Round 1 rules]
DS: [please use Round 2 rules]
DD: [please use Round 3 rules]
~ (T) Round 3 of 8
LN: England
DH: Ezra Dara
DW: Kateri Lily
DD: Liadan Skye
DS/DS: Valentin Gabriel / Magnus Julian
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Saint Lucia
DH: Jonah Aiden
DW: Kallista Dahlia
DS: Rory Callum
DS: Albin Joshua
~ Round 3 of 5
LN: Salvador
DH: Aaron Finley
DW: Kiersten Lily
DD: Scarlet Jade
DD: Thea Alexandra
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Ireland
DH: Gideon Seamus
DW: Katarina Hyacinth
DS: Rowan Nicholas
DD: Anja Jade
Round 3 of 8
LN: Puga
DH: Farrel Anthony
DW: Kristine Dawn
DS: Red Harnish
DD: [please use Round 2 rules]
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Israel
DH: Alphaeus Conan
DW: Kasia Rose
DS: [Please use Round 1 rules]
DD: [Please use Round 2 rules]
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: England
DH: Noah Kieran
DW: Kira Lily
DS: Rory Marcus Ethan
DD: Freja Chloe Sophia
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Asia
DH: Israel Caisel
DW: Katrina Rose
DS: Phoenix Jayden
DD: Cajsa Nicole
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Mozambique
DH: Raphael Angus
DW: Kendra Linnea
DS: Rowan James
DS: [Please use Round 2 rules]
The Fairy Princess
~ Round 3 of 8
LN: Cyprus
DH: Isaias Killian
DW: Kallea Violet
DD: Violet Grace
DS: Finn Tyler