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[Opinions] Re: Monthly Alphabet Soup List
Out of your female list, I'm loving the names Alice, Anne, Annabel, Beatrice, Belinda, Bryony, Barbara, Cecily, Clare, Caroline, Dorothy, Daisy, Deborah, Elizabeth, Evelyn, Esme, Emily, Florence, Fiona, Felicity, Genevieve, Gwyneth, Gillian (I have a preference for the soft g pronunciation, personally. I do prefer the Jillian spelling, but Gillian is also gorgeous!), Heather, Helen, Harriet, Hilary, Imogen, Jennifer, Judith, Jane, Jean, Joanna, Jocelyn, Karen, Lyndall, Laura, Lucy, Margaret, Mary, Marianne, Marjorie, Miranda, Nancy, Nina, Pamela, Polly, Ruth, Rosemary, Rebecca, Sally, Suzanne, Susannah, Talitha, Tessa, and Vanessa! As for your male names, I love the names, Adrian, Alaric, Alan, Alastair, Bernard, Brian, Benjamin, Brendan, Charles, Cedric, Derek, Douglas, Daniel, Edward, Edwin, Frederick, Fergus, Gareth, Gavin, Gregor, Gregory, Hugh, Hugo, Ian, Ivor, John, Jack (as a first name, though!), Joseph, James, Keith, Kenneth, Lewis, Michael, Max, Martin, Nigel, Oswald, Oliver, Peter, Patrick, Paul, Quentin, Roy, Richard, Stephen, Trevor, Timothy, Thomas, Victor, Vernon, Vincent, William (My name!! ;) ), and Walter. Thanks so much for responding to this thread, once again, Anneza!


Responding is a pleasure. And it's also good to know another William: my late and distant cousin was named William "because" his father was Robert. That was the pattern, for generations - Robert has a son William who has a son Robert ... ad infinitum, except my cuz and his wife never had children. He fought in the Royal Engineers throughout the Second World War, and nearly missed the last boat at Dunkirk. He and his mates were only 20 years old, and their highly responsible job was to go ahead of the army and check that bridges, railways, whatever were safe and in good working order, and to fix them if they weren't. Their informal motto was First In, Last Out because when the troops were in retreat they had to sabotage all the bridges, railways etc to slow the enemy down, and quite close to Dunkirk they just had to take a rest. And fell fast asleep, but luckily woke up just in time to run to the harbour. If I'd had a second son, one of his names would have been William.