[Opinions] Re: Monthly Alphabet Soup List
in reply to a message by coffeelover
From your girl's list, I love the names Anna, Abigail, Belen, Bethan, Cathleen, Catalina, Darla, Darlene, Elizabeth, Esther, Edith, Faith, Faye, Gloria, Grace, Gabrielle, Heather, Hadasa, Isabel, Irene, Isabella, Jennifer, Jaelle, Joanne, Keira, Kiara, Lauren, Leah, Louetta, Mary, Miranda, Maria, Natalia, Nadia, Phoebe, Patrice, Rachel, Ruth, Reesa, Sarah, Susanna, Talia, Teresa, Trinity, Victoria, Vanessa, Veronica, Willodean, Xela, Xella, and Yvette! From your boy's list, I love Andrew, Alan, Adam, Bryan, Benjamin, Beau, Craig, Christopher, Carl, Dean, Daniel, Eric, Gabriel, Gregory, Henry, Hank, Ian, Issac, John, James, Jesse, Keith, Kenneth, Lee, Lewis, Leroy, Michael, Mark, Matthew, Nathaniel, Nicholas (My brother's name! :) ), Otto, Paul, Peter, Philip, Ralph, Robert, Randall, Samuel, Sebastian, Thomas, Todd, Timothy, Vance, Vincent, Victor, William (My name! ;) ), Walter, Xander, Zachary, and Zechariah! Thank you so much for responding!