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[Opinions] what would you name two daughters...
...if their first names had to begin with Sa and So respectively? Middle names up to your discretion.(stole this from Nameberry)I would go with Saskia Vashti and Sophronia Tesni.

masculine list:
feminine list:


I'm not a fan of S names in general, but I'd go with Šárka Lilith and Sóley Odette
Realistically speaking... Salomé and Soleil.

This message was edited 2/22/2025, 12:09 AM

Sabrina & Sophie
Sage Eliana and Sonnet Ruth
Sage and Sonnet are beautiful!
Sabrina and Sophie
Sola Knowledge & Satya Larkspur
Sonnet Miriam & Sapphire Georgiana
Soledad Ferdinanda & Sandalia Hieronyma
Sosipatra Ruth & Salomea Bryony
Sovereign Jocosa & Saturnia Laurel
Solavida Raphaelle & Sancia Marguerite
Solaris Christabel & Salvatrix Gwendolen

This message was edited 2/21/2025, 11:56 AM

Sosipatra & Salomea is glorious!
Sandra Imogen and Sophie Lorraine match the best

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 11:17 PM

Surprisingly tricky! I like both Sally and Sophia, but they seem very different. Maybe that's a good thing? Sally Dorothea
Sophia Vickie
Sabine Estelle and Sophie Ingrid, not terribly inspired but long-time loves.
Sally Ermengilda
Sophronia Glenys

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 6:30 PM

Sage Elisabeth
Sophie Mae
Salustia / Sallustia Orbiana and Sophonisba Europa

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 5:50 PM

Same as the NB edition, Sahar Zenobia & Soraya Tali haha.
Sappho Millicent & Solmaz LucreziaorSappho Beatrice Amy & Sollemnia Lucille

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 3:13 PM

Sage Adriana & Sora Elizabeth
How coincidently I was going to say Sabina and Sofiya! Though after remember Solomiya exists, Sabina and Solomiya.

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 1:53 PM