[Opinions] If.. (Name Meanings)
My first name means "my God is an oath" and as an atheist the meaning doesn’t suit me, although it doesn’t bother me either. It did made me wonder which name, based on a meaning that does suit me, would fit me. So my questions to you are: 1. Do you think the meaning of your name(s) suit you?
2. Which name, purely based on meanings, would fit you better?
A few examples You live on a farm -> Georgia (derived from George which means “farmer”)
You are very pale skinned -> Fiona (derived from Fionn which means “white”)
You have a cheerful disposition -> Vedrana (derived from Vedran which means “cheerful”)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf


My name means "the one who wrestles with God" and it suits me very well. My life has always been a never-ending battle to be seen and for my identity and struggles to be recognized and seen. I would I don't mind the second meaning of my name but it has made me an easy target for hate crimes and it does not represent the nuanced identity I have.If I were to choose a name with a better meaning, I would pick Pacifica because I want to understand the complicated nuances/perspectives of the human world and my desire to live in peace within myself and society.

This message was edited 2/20/2025, 10:48 AM

My name means "who is like God?" but it doesn't suit me at all. I do like the meaning, though, it's majestic. Since I have brown hair and eyes, Bruno would suit me better. Being less realistic, Izar would be another option due to me liking stars.
My name means ''maiden'' or ''pure maiden''. I like my name well enough, but naming anyone ''maiden'' kind flows out the window once you become an adult. So while I like my name in itself, I don't care for the meaning, nor do I love it particularly.If I could chose a meaning, I'd go with something that has a witchy vibe like Rhiannon.
My name means « French woman » and I’m not French. I guess Xenia would suit me since I like to travel so I ‘m often a foreigner or a guest.
My name means “pure”, which does fit me, just not perfectly.
I don't like it and don't think it suits me.
I wanted to change it for a long time, but now I'm used to it.Not sure what meaning could suit me...
I'm from place close to water, my zodiac sign is water sign and I like rain & going to beaches, so by that logic:
Morgan, Darya ("Means "sea, ocean" in Persian."), Lynn or Lorelei (I would make it Lorelai, because I'm cringe and curse of odd name must stay).
There's also Halimede, but I don't know if I would re-name it myself. Given by parents seems different than naming myself something that weight so much if that makes sense.

This message was edited 2/25/2025, 10:04 AM

For me maybe Amarantha (Ama as nickname?) because of my red hair and I love the flowers. My middle name means “torch” which I love. It reminds me of the torch flowers my grandmother used to point out near her home. Another possible meaning is “moon” and as I like to sleep in the moonlight it fits me as well.
I'm a night owl, and, honestly, I have been suffering from insomnia since childhood, so
Asra - Arabic "travel at night"
Isra - "nocturnal journey" in Arabic
Lunlumo - "moon light" in Esperanto
Or just Layla "night".
Lilith - "of the night"
Nox and Nyx - "night" in latin & greek.Realistically, Layla, Lilith or Luna, I guess.
If I could have chosen, I'd have loved a fem version of my father's name, with my mother's name as the mn: Cecily Beatrice. But I do see that having a Cecil and a Cecily sharing a home could be tricky. The meanings are OK, except that my eyesight is preThetty good when my glasses are on. The obvious nn for Beatrice, used by my mother and daughter, is Bea, which sounds like the insect. That might point towards Deborah and Melissa: of the two, Deborah would always be my choice, tough rather than sugar-sweet.
My name means 'date palm.' I don't think it suits me. I have no idea what name would suit me well.
Very interesting idea1. My name means "beauty/beautiful" which I don't necessarily think suits me, but I'm also not, like, cursing my parents for giving me such an ambitious name. It's a fine name meaning, and quite common.2. Going by descriptors, probably something about my curly hair- Dada or Kára (not bad)
Going by character I really resonate with Yuri (悠理) or Seri (静理): 悠- permanence, distant, long time, leisure; 静- quiet, calm, still; 理- logic, arrangement, reason, justice, truth
My name is Stephanie, derived from Stephanos, meaning "crown" or "garland." It's a nice meaning, a bit encouraging even, and who doesn't need encouragement? If I had to choose something different, I think I would like Francesca, which is a from Franciscus, meaning "French" or "free one. I'm not French but I do have French Huguenot ancestry that I'm proud of, and I love the meaning of "freedom." My name comes with some baggage and having a name that means the opposite of that would be lovely.
When I think about it, "my God is an oath" is a very odd declaration. It might be apt if you swear a lot. At a deaper level God = promise/oath is an interesting way of conceptualizing God. Personally, I wouldn't want an overly apt name, or one that is a physical description. I think it is nice when names reflect the well wishes or hopes of the parent's or is something totally off beat.
My name is Anastasiya. It means "resurrection". I don't believe in ressurection so not very fitting. Things that could fit me better: - Uyan "resilient, flexible" after what has been going on where I live...
- Elzara "golden nation" I love my country :D
- Tahrir "liberation, release" liberation from propaganda lies- happened to me in 2022
- Eleftheria "free" same as Tahrir
- Boyka "battle" I will stand for what needs to be stood for
- Slavenka "Slavic" I am Slavic
- Azar "fire" in poetic way
- Kalyna "guelder rose" extremely symbolic where I live "homeland, family, blood"
- Mirasol "sunflower" also extremely symbolic where I live "peace, resilience"
- Gvozdika "carnation" red carnations in communism stand for the liberation of the proletariat
- Irina "peace" I hate war
- Yukhymiya "good soul" I try to be good person
- Matrona "lady" I am lady
- Ayshat "living, alive" I am alive (duh)
- Budymyra (hypo f form of Budymyr) "one who spreads peace" I try
- Reva "revolution" I would revolt if I needed to, I would not hesitate, if the Maydan was today I would be there
- Zhytomyra (hypo f form of Zhytomyr) "peaceful life" something I would love to have and help others have
I answered this post instead of going sleep :)
I really like the imagery of Anastasiya /"resurrection." It makes me think of a Phoenix rising from the ashes, of renewal, and beginning again. To come back after death/defeat and rise above is to truly be unconquorable. Perhaps if you think of the meaning in more poetic terms, it will feel like a better fit for you?
I do like my name, it is nice, little bit length but that is why we have diminutives. Poeticly could describe those "adventures" I was in 2022.. that year was mess.
My name ultimately means "man", but it's the feminine version of the masculine name that means "man" so... depending on how you look at it, it could also mean "female man"??? lol Alternatively, it has another possible meaning of "army" which ugh So, no, my name does not suit me by meaning. Though I prefer it over something religious, personally. It's the reason why I'm avoiding religious names for my children because my boyfriend and I are non-religious and have varying degrees of dislike for religion depending on (from the people who use it as a sheild to explain their shitty ideals, from just the base religion itself being iffy in some areas. Like Noah's Ark - God is an arsehole you you cannot convince me otherwise. Jesus was an actual hippie though I am okay with Jesus)as a White Person, I suppose anything meaning "white" would be apt. I've got blonde hair, so something that means yellow would work. I like to do my best at being a good, kind person, so a name to live up to in that regard would be nice. Outside of that, I'm not sure. I like flowers, for example, but I don't do anything with flowers
Kvitoslava? Means "glory of flowers", I don't think you would need to do stuff with flowers for that name meaning to work.
No-one really knows what Maria means, but I have been known to be bitter and rebellious, I was a wished for child, and I am beloved by some people. I'd say it fits me pretty well.I think Samira would fit me great - it means "companion in evening talk", and I love late night conversations with my friends.