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[Games] Re: NTNB Round 3
in reply to a message by Evie
The Gillespie FamilyDH (28): Joshua David Gillespie
DW (29): Brooke Alice (Johnson) GillespieDS (2): Jack Ulysses Gillespie
DS (exp): Dean Israel Gillespie***The Olson-Dlamini FamilyDW (26): Olivia Charlotte Olson
DW (29): Sasha Gugulethu DlaminiDS (3): Milo Idris Themba Olson-Dlamini
DD (exp): Talia Cecily Thandiwe Olson-Dlamini***The Miller FamilyDH (28): Jesse Max Miller
DW (28): Linnea Astrid (Bergstrom) MillerDD (2): Nyra Alba Miller
DS (nb): Koa Matheo Miller***The Bradshaw FamilyDH (28): Liam James Bradshaw
DW (29): Kayla Bethany (Wilson) BradshawDD (3): Theodora Belle "Theo" Bradshaw
DD (exp): Alexandria Eleni "Alex" BradshawYashasuiin!!

This message was edited 2/17/2025, 12:10 PM

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