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[Games] Erb's Road to the Oscars Congrats! (Round 8 of 11)
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:
Round 7: 8: The second child’s family!For this round, I’m using trailers instead of posters. Which of these five films most deserves Best International Feature Film?1. “Emilia Perez” (France – in Spanish) Straume / “Flow” (Latvia) 3. Pigen med nålen / “The Girl with the Needle” (Denmark) 4. Ainda Estou Aqui / I’m Still Here (Brazil) Dāne-ye anjīr-e ma'ābed / The Seed of the Sacred Fig (Germany – in Farsi) If you chose…1. LN: Garcia, Rodriguez, Fernandez, Lopez, Moreno
Two boys and two girls! Birth order your choice. Namebank for everyone: Tomas Mauro Elias Ismael Ignacio Arnau Aitor Luka Andres Raul / Roma Layan Aroa Carolina Fatima Camila Nerea Yasmin Leyre Cloe2. LN: Briedis, Jansons, Liepa, Vanags, Zvirbulis
SO: Janis Peteris Antons Arvids Jazeps Stanislavs Alberts Ivans Nikolajs Edgars / Anna Marija Milda Velta Elza Olga Veronika Antonina Mirdza Zenta
Twins! Flip a coin for genders (heads girl, tails boy). Initials: FL, OW3. LN: Langebek, von Horn, Sonne, Dyrholm, Fjelstrup
Three children, flip a coin for genders. Namebank for everyone: Magnus Mariusz Besir Joachim Knox Michal Anders Peter Jorgen Sven / Line Victoria Carmen Malene Tessa Frederikke Karoline Dagmar Frida Erena4. LN: Almeida, Cabral, Madeira, Paredes, Serafim
Seven kids! Flip a coin for genders. Namebank for everyone: Joao Gabriel Lucas Pedro Mateus Jose Gustavo Guilherme Carlos Vitor Felipe Marcos Rafael Luiz Daniel Eduardo Bruno Paulo Leonardo Vinicius / Vitoria Julia Leticia Amanda Beatriz Larissa Gabriela Mariana Bruna Isabela Luana Sara Eduarda Bianca Rafaela Geovana Fernanda Natalia Laura Nicole5. LN: Rasoulof, Golestani, Zareh, Mahmood, Sadraei
Two daughters. Their middle names are after their mother and grandmother. Namebank for daughters’ first names and SO:***Please rate my personal name"If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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DH: Cole Jeremy Hill
DW: Harper Oracene Hill (nee Curtis)DD: Delilah Lucy Hermann-Hill
-DW: Virginia Adelaide Hermann-Hill
--DS: Royce Oswald Hermann-Hill
--DD: Zahara Zelda Hermann-Hill
--DD: Ulya Monroe Hermann-Hill
--DD: Ulrike Nensi Hermann-Hill
--DD: Ingrid Tai Hermann-HillDS: Nicolas Enzo Almeida-Hill “Nico”
-DH: Leonardo Mateus Almeida-Hill
--DD: Beatriz Leticia Almeida-Hill “Bea”
--DD/DS: Luana Nicole Almeida-Hill/ Gabriel Jose Almeida-Hill
--DD: Bruna Natalia Almeida-Hill
--DS: Carlos Joao Almeida-Hill
--DS: Paulo Lucas Almeida-Hill
--DS: Marcos Vitor Almeida-HillDD: Marina Irene Hill
DD: Julie Michelle Hill
DS: Jonathan Timothy Hill Cole & Harper Hill: Delilah, Nico, Marina, Julie, & Jonathan
Delilah & Virginia Hermann-Hill: Royce, Zahara, Ulya, Ulrike, & Ingrid
Nico & Leonardo Almeida-Hill: Bea, Luana, Gabriel, Bruna, Carlos, Paulo, & Marcos
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DH: Oscar Hugo Qualley
DW: Coralie Demetria {Guynes} QualleyDD: Vivien Bette {Qualley} Mann
- DH: Austin Lewis Mann
- DD: Iris Natalia Mann
- DD: Scarlett Isla Mann
- DS: Dorian Edgar MannDD: Francesca Edith {Qualley} Liepa
- DH: Antons Peteris Liepa
- DS: Feliks Leopold Liepa [twin]
- DD: Olesya Wynn Liepa [twin]DS: Nicholas Joshua Qualley
DS: Simon Matthew Qualley
DS: Jonathan Adam Qualley
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And the Oscar goes to... I'm Still Here (Ainda Estou Aqui)!DH: RaMell Daveed Taylor
DW: Coralie Jane Qualley-TaylorDD: Eva Tomyris [Taylor] Zilbalodis
- DH: Reinis Zilbalodis
- DS: Markuss RaMell ZilbalodisDD: Edith Renata Taylor Almeida
- DH: João Gabriel Serafim Almeida
- DD: Vitoria Luana Taylor Almeida
- DD: Sara Bianca Taylor Almeida
- DD/DD: Isabela Julia Taylor Almeida/Rafaela Beatriz Taylor Almeida
- DS: Paulo Luiz Taylor Almeida
- DS: Marcos Felipe Taylor Almeida
- DS: Pedro Mateus Taylor AlmeidaDD: Karen Cassandra Taylor
DS: Kendall Dean Taylor
DD: Enid Adele TaylorRaMell and Coralie with Eva, Edith, Karen, Kendall, and Enid
- Eva and Reinis with Markuss
- Edith and João with Vitoria, Sara, Isabela, Rafaela, Paulo, Marcos, and Pedro
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DH: Bowen Michael Upland
DW: Bronwyn Ariana OzDD: Katharine Ava Upland
— DH: James Anthony Kensington
— DD: Isla Nicolette Kensington
— DD: Serena Irene Kensington
— DD: Daphne Elise KensingtonDD: Iris Louise Upland
— DH: Guilherme Vinicius Paredes Cabral
— DD: Luana Rafaela Paredes
— DD: Bianca Nicole Paredes
— DD: Leticia Isabela Paredes
— DS: Felipe Leonardo Paredes
— DD: Vitoria Mariana Paredes
— DS: Mateus Eduardo Paredes
— DD: Natalia Fernanda ParedesDS: Alexander Luke Upland
DS: Matthew Paul Upland
DS: Christian Leonardo Upland
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DH: Myron Gregory Jonathan Thropp [pansexual, cis; he/him]
DW: Keala Brownyn [Oz] Thropp [bisexual, sapphic, cis; she/her]
DGf: Cynthia "Sia" Nessarose Upland [bisexual, intersex; she/her]DD: Anastasia "Aya" Aylin Victoria [Thropp] Hsu [straight, cis; she/her]
-DH: Irving Maxwell Hsu [straight, cis; he/him]
-DD: Ridlee Olivia Hsu
-DD: Zaelia Zoey Hsu
-DD: Utopia Michelle Hsu
-DD: Ulyssie Nadine Hsu
-DS: Innis Trevor Hsu DD: Julietta "Eddy" Zoe Renata Upland Fjelstrup-Thropp
-DW: Frederikke "Fred" Dagmar Fjelstrup-Thropp
-DD: Victoria "Tori" Karoline Fjelstrup-Thropp
-DS: Magnus Jorgen Fjelstrup-Thropp
-DS: Joachim "Joe" Anders Fjelstrup-ThroppDS: Alexander "Lex" Thomas Connor Upland Thropp
DD: Leanne "Leo" Jennifer Michelle Thropp
DD: Enid "Nita" Perdita Dorothy Thropp
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DH: Brian Aldo Tremblay
DW: Magdalene Tessa (Lawrence) Tremblay “Maggie”DD: Arabella Lucy (Tremblay) Priede
-DH: Gustavs Markuss Priede “Gus”
—DS: Marks Aldo PriedeDS: Christopher William Tremblay
-DW: Anna Mirdza (Briedis) Tremblay
DS/DS: Fox Lawrence Tremblay / Oaks William TremblayDS: Alexander James Tremblay
DD: Veronika Anna Tremblay
DD: Miranda Sophie Tremblay
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H: Myron Colin Oz
W: Nessarose Jenna [Woodsman] Oz
D: Marilyn Vivien [Oz] LaFauve
-H: Jonathan Kirk LaFauve
-S: Ike Nevada LaFauve
-D: Sondra Issy LaFauve
-S: Donnie Ernesto LaFauve
S: Enzo Nicolas Oz
-W: Luana Vitoria [Serafim] Oz
-S: Felipe Vinicius Oz
-D: Beatriz Nicole Oz
-S: Joao Luiz Oz
-D: Rafaela Larissa Oz
-S: Mateus Paulo Oz
-D: Fernanda Sara Oz
-D: Mariana Julia Oz
S: Liam Alexander Oz
D: Lisa Joanne Oz
S: Alessandro Giuseppe Oz
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DH: Igor Alekseyevich Borisov
DW: Ivy Emily RadwinskyDD: Ava Natalie Igorovna Radwinsky
- DH: Christopher William Randall "Kit" Sanders
-- DS: Robin Oscar Sanders
-- DD: Zenoby Zoya Sanders
-- DS/DD: Ulysses Marriott Sanders & Ulyana Nicole Sanders
-- DS: Inigo Thomas SandersDS: Evgeny Francis Igorovich "Gene" Radwinsky
- SO: Frida Carmen Fjelstrup
-- DS: Michal Jorgen Fjelstrup Radwinsky
-- DS: Magnus Joachim Fjelstrup Radwinsky
-- DS: Marius Anders Fjelstrup RadwinskyDD: Marina Eliane Igorovna Radwinsky
DS: Pavel Brandon Igorovich "Paul" Radwinsky
ADS: Christian Antonio Igorovich "Kiki" Radwinsky
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DH: Salvatore Joseph van Buren
DW: Leslie Michelle CorbettDS: Bennett Levente van Buren
DD: Frances Renata van Buren
DD: Marina Isabel van Buren
DS: Nelson Alan van Buren
DD: Dorothy Perdita van Buren***
DS1: Bennett Levente van Buren
DH: Anton Bernard SnookDD/DS: Glenys Antonia & Garrick Benson van Buren-Snook***
DD1: Frances Renata van Buren
DH: Nikolajs Alberts BriedisDD/DS: Fabiola Leslie & Ottmar Willem Briedis
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H: Anton Mark Radwinsky
W: Ivy Galina BorisovS: Marcel Adam Radwinsky
-W: Estere Elizabete Ozols
--S: Karlis Anton RadwinskyS: Leonard Harry Radwinsky
-W: Carolina Fatima Lopez
--S: Mauro Ignacio Radwinsky
--D: Roma Camila Radwinsky
--D: Nerea Cloe Radwinsky
--S: Ismael Arnau Radwinsky D: Hester Cassandra Radwinsky
D: Zarina Diana Radwinsky
D: Dolores Eva Radwinsky
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The Spencer Family!The Spencer FamilyH: Brandon Hamish Spencer
W: Joslyn Aunjanue (Taylor) Spencer, "Joz"D1: Ava Katharine (Spencer) Crossingham
S: Steven Leonard Spencer, "Steve"
D2: Cassandra Diane Spencer, "Cassie"
D3: Donna Jennifer Spencer
D4: Claudia Marie Spencer, "Claude"
__________D1: Ava
H: Geoffrey Peter Crossingham, "Geoff"D1: Mariah Olive Crossingham
S1: Spencer Terence Crossingham
D2: Freya Odette Crossingham
S2: William Louis Corssingham
__________S: Steve
W: Afsoun Sanaz (Zareh) Spencer, "Sunny"D1: Nasrin Afsoun Spencer, "Naz"
D2: Vida Aunjanue Spencer
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